
Is Tuan his real name? Philip called him that to Elizabeth. I would think he'd use a fake name with pasha. A very minor point.

I love that Elizabeth went to the secret wig place, changed into character, then followed Philip to the fake home because she saw how messed up he was. She could've waited till he got home.

So are the Americans going to leave Oleg alone now ?

And the Godfather?

Nothing personal Mr Prop Man but I wish you would not say anything. Some of us do not like any sort of spoilers or teases and we all respect that here. Don't lord it over us. Thank you.

They don't forget nothing

MR is never unattractive. Just look at his eyes or his smile. It's the personalities that he adopts that make him seem that way at times. And the glasses. But not
That cowboy hat. !

Not being interested in some drippy guy interfering with your workout does not make you a cold fish.

Since after this episode I'm hatin' on Gabriel, I wonder if he sent Renee to spy on our Heroes becuase he doubts them. And he'd be right. How she'd get any info I don't know. But I wouldn't put it past him. I feel an overall impending doom for everyone.
What a great show.

Yeah, grandma was Jewish

There was also bugging Caspar Weinberger's home office, and whatever he was getting from Kimmy.

I've always wished they'd give her a friend at least. She even spent so much time at church solely with the Pastor and wife, instead of other kids. I also would like to see her at school, or something, however briefly.

I am fairly certain Oleg should still be in the KGB, no ? He requested a transfer back to Russia. I don't think he just sent out his resume and got this job in Agricultural. Possibly the boss doesn't know though.

But you're probably healthier

I wonder if that memory he had looking in the mirror is part of why he feels so conflicted. Out of a desire to honor his mother and that struggle.

I'm sure the writers read that article ! Thanks

My question is- will Gabriel be willing or able to help or hinder Misha from finding Philip? I would think the Center has people in places who could track his whereabouts.

I believe the word is used in its literal meaning, as a head scarf, but is also used to refer to grandmothers and old women, who tend to wear the scarves. It's a term more or less of endearment, I believe.

Nina or Oleg may have told them too. Or arkady ?

I don't see that Philip likes Stan at all. He always makes these little smirks or frowns when he talks to him and he didn't really care when Stan was excited about the new girlfriend. It's all part of the job. That's how I see it. He cared more about the well-being of Kimmy.