Don't forget we found out about the weaponized virus and Misha meeting his family. Lots of plot
Don't forget we found out about the weaponized virus and Misha meeting his family. Lots of plot
Tuan will be nowhere to found. Poof, gone.
You too! Have a great 10 months! We should just cryofreeze ourselves until Episode 1!
I think we are winding down….. so I want to say Thanks to everyone! So fun! See you all next year! I can't breathe till I know what happens to them all……
everyone's doing the Covfefe!
Oh! thanks. I am not so up on the latest trends but somehow that one bothered me, I mean, that I didn't know it.
Why? They are both married. They had to go somewhere.
A famous really bad guy used to refer to Jews as a race
So maybe the surprise of next season will be Philip somehow helping Stan with his mess! That's be a switch.
My idea is that Kimmy's dad will buy a new house or send her to boarding school (hopefully not St Andrews) or she will have a boyfriend or some other interest as she gets older and Jim will not fit into her plans as much. I never make predictions here but now I'll say that I can see Episode 1 with Philip stuck doing…
Still kvetching about kvas?
If you freeze the covfefe overnight it'll taste much better. And add cinnamon.
monkey business.
Still it's kind of creepy that Tuan seemed to have had training in all that.
No. I think Martha and Little Olya will be a happy bilingual family.
So two men are having midlife-I -hate-my-job crises and their wife and girlfriend are trying to prevent them from making any changes. Why ?
First time I remember. Once we saw her getting a driving lesson from Philip I guess.
A dishwasher and 6 pair of boots does not make a person a vicious greedy hateful capitalist. If she thinks that she's misguided. If they go back to the USSR, they will likely get a pretty good apartment and good food, a la Oleg's family. They will still be honored KGB officers. She may have 6 pair of boots there…
Is Stan really even that guy that she described ? Speaking Truth to Power? I mean he never really told her that much. He had told her that they wanted him to do something but then he didn't have to do it. He didn't really present himself to her as this big rebel. Maybe she just went too far?
Yeah i see the point now of why she thinks it has to be him. But 5 minutes before she didn't care if they left, and Kimmy's dad was still providing pretty good info.