
“ of Labrie’s lawyers, Jaye Rancourt, said that Labrie’s out-of-state team mishandled the case.”

That’s why they can’t come up with something “better”, the ACA was their good idea.

“There’s Nothing To Love and It’s a Disaster Folks: The Biography of Donald Trump”


The truly ironic thing is that it was theirs. Thats why the Dems thought that they would compromise on it, but the Repubs are not a party of conviction, they’re just anti-Dem.

irony of ironies - it is their own. it originally was a heritage plan that got adopted by romney, and in turn by obummer. it is as good a capitalist plan can get.

“Man who has never done his homework discovers he doesn’t know any answers on the test”

Literally nothing he has said since being elected hasn’t confirmed what we knew the whole time, that Donald Trump is a neophyte who has never actually done any hard thinking in his life, and whose only previous hard job was deciding which model he was going to hit on once he named them a winner.

If I were a member of Congress, I’d make sure to be in a photo op with Trump just so I can hold up a sign that says “This man blows goats. I have proof.”

Now we know what to call him. Thanks, Sean.

Never said anything about people being dumb, but I guess you’re welcome.

Indeed, the ‘everyone a contractor’ economy will only work when we have enough fundamental rights (particularly healthcare) to make such low paying/erratic work compatible with a decent standard of living. Otherwise it’s hello third world.

Oooooh, you’re good.

Baron Trump is a child. It is inexcusable for an adult to make fun of a child.

But if a trans kid can’t pee in the bathroom of his or her choice, then the coal mines can open up again! Economic anxiety relieved!

Unfortunately, Trump has back up all the despicable thoughts and promises with actions.

Guys, I’m starting to think that maybe Trump won’t be good for America.

It depends on how wide of a net you are trying to cast. If you are asking if any of their policies actually help the majority of people, the answer is no, but a lot of poor and uneducated people think they do. If you are asking if their policies help anyone, the answer is yes, their donors.

Willing to bet pretty much anything it’s either a fake story or completely overblown. Unless you’re going to count a “so one of them trans looked at me and it made me feel so uncomfortable” stories.

You know that news is rough when you almost jump for joy anytime there is just an injunction against some right wing bullshit law.