
I would love to slap him repeatedly in his dumb fucking face until he cries. Bullies only understand a bigger bully.

In fairness, I do like to get along and pick flowers; although interspaced with a lot of working and learning.

And now, deep inside your barf bag; a few slim glimmers of hope:

Now playing

“Sometimes I try to do things, and it just doesn’t work out the way I want it to. I get real frustrated, and I try hard to do it, and I take my time, and it doesn’t work out the way I want it to. It’s like, I concentrate real hard, and it doesn’t work out. Everything I do and everything I try never turns out. . . .”

Thank you, America for taking him off our hands. As the old adage goes, you broke him, you buy him.

He’s Canadian, thus equally unqualified to be President.

I want to see more politicians getting reamed during town halls. That shit is good for the soul.

“It’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this that it’s never good enough.”

He is a person willing to help. Since when sharing knowledge is considered being a prick?

I suspect that Republicans will find the money to fund draconian deportations by dismantling the social safety net, and also presiding over a massive deficit.

So, what, specifically, makes me come across like a prick in this comment? Is it the clearly barely-concealed rage about actions I think are cruel, inhumane, and un-American?

Hiya, LBWG~ I “followed” you for GT, so your comments should be in the black. Please come around more often :)

I thought they loved people telling it like it is? And they say we’re snowflakes, triggered and need safe spaces. They’re following the footsteps of their orange overlord.

Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Call Vaccines Dangerous

I’m sure he’ll comfort himself by rubbing a burger all over his genitals just like the women in his company’s commercials do.

Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

She has the hands the Dusty Cheeto WISHES he had. I’m surprised a hand swap wasn’t part of his requirement when he hired her.

Its true, there are some categories of workers for whom striking is not feasible in the traditional sense. But you can still symbolically strike by refusing to participate in the economy - don’t buy gas or groceries, don’t go out to the movies - or participate in unpaid women’s work - do not cook meals. You could also