
"Argumentation" lel

Aperaham Lincoln? Leah, Wahlberg was probably as confused as anybody by that scene.

So no Jimmy Fallon, Andy Samberg or Bill Hader? I can't get behind you on that. I'd agree with many, but there's plenty of funny out there.

Yeah, I don't mind Tina Fey, but think she's not ALL she's cracked up to be. Poehler I can definitely do without.

Learn sarcasm. I didn't like the show, I could see it had its merits. But I genuinely always wonder why Anime shows get the acclaim they get. The animation is just terrible in most, and this was no exception. Not to mention the storylines tend to be like watching the background in The Flintstones.


"British" dating system isn't a movie sin, it's inevitable that we'll all align to one standard system eventually, although I imagine ISO dating will be the way.

Mjölnir simply means big hammer in ancient saami, so, no. The other thing is that these have been found but who's to say that the hammer wasn't made by a craftsman, but that the runes were enscribed by a druid or something as a means to educate? After all, there's so little known of the culture in the first century

If everything is !Important then nothing is.

Clone Wars was terrible animation and that took me out of what was actually pretty good writing. I didn't get past season 2. And I even bothered to watch that godawful movie at the cinema. This animation looks exactly the same. Very disappointed that they didn't go a different route.

Agreed!! This is my favourite 'Chowski. Although Jupiter Ascending or whatever looks pretty amazing too.

I don't believe you.

That was a comic first, so it doesn't count. Mind you, so was TMNT, but is less known for that.

Nasim Pedrad as Jean Grey

Where does Grandmaster Flash and Furious Five factor into all of this?

I think this has been looked at from the wrong angle. I believe most people's perspective of Shakespeare's mastery of the English language wasn't his knowledge of it, but his ability to create words which have become part of the lexicon. Our perspicacity is only a mere glint in the whole construct on our grasp of

Deadpool is one of the best Marvel characters, and similarly, has almost never been gotten right. I was hoping that they'd have him in Iron Man, but now we might have to settle for him being involved in a Black Widow/Hawkeye/Deadpool movie.

Definitely a 100% fact. Not just you.

I like BB2K, but so long as I don't consider it canonical with the first...

Switch Evan Almighty, which isn't the same or as good a Bruce, but it's definitely funny and watchable and all that, and replace it with these, and you'll get my approval of your list: