
It also produces spores at the same rate as if the bread was out, yet they're not visible. In short, if you eat mouldy bread because it's been out for, say, 5 days, you'd be eating just as mouldy, spurious bread after as many days in the fridge, but you just wouldn't see nor taste it.

Except for bakery bread. It takes terrible, despite how good it is fresh. Supermarket bread is great frozen and thawed.


Your cat fetish is a worry. Seriously, you've watched that Game of Meows trailer 600 times. Just. Just stop it, okay?

They're both much better than heaps of movies. But neither is as good as 1 or 2.

The whole page would be full of bodies.

Apparently they adopted the cat, but it's asumed it was a weedwhacker. It's sad, but plausible. Imagine very long grass and a very quiet baby kitten. And it can happen in fractions of a second and once it has happened, it's pretty much irreversible.

The best way to mistreat an animal is to try to be their parent. It's also the best way to do yourself wrong. Treat them as the animal that they are and give them lots of love and affection in the appropriate way. Anything more is sick and unhealthy, and the animals, whether cat dog or antelope, is going to feel

Agreed. Despite all attitude it gets, Episode 1 is the best of the prequels. Could they have been better? Sure. Were they as bad as blamed? Probably not. Are they the worst movies ever? Definitely not.

This is more the opposite. I was looking forward to it, but it was terrible. The title of this article made me think of this, mind you.

My question is that you've said that you're all four of the men and that your wife is "all four of the women" all four of which? Lucy or Priya as the fourth in your initial statement?

I guess I don't have the low standard of the first one from which to see the upwards progression to the second.

I'd be more troubled by identity theft and fraud. People are far too worried about privacy. Nobody cares that you liked a cat video in 2008, dude.

There are a lot of crap actors who died whose films were crapped out over the sewerage of the next few years. Poo story.

They already don't.

Nah... I mean, it's well written, but it's just woefully executed (acting, direction, cinematography, need I go on?). And by well written, I only mean the dialogue, the story meanders and doesn't achieve anything. Don't give me the bollocks about how that's "so geek". Most geeks I know are productive, and this is just

All four women? What fourth woman?

Some of these concepts, in isolation with intent, are actually good things. The vignette concept works well for things like the Bob Dylan film or Doctor Parnasus' Imaginarium (in part).

On a similar front, I also like Flashforward. Because it had a TV series made about it (very loosely, but the concepts, especially on the science front, are all there), it's become rather accessible, not to mention an easy read.

You can't use Contact. The movie was terrible and it ruined a great book making it less accessible for the GP.