
I disagree with all of these. They all introduce Sci Fi to someone who's interested in getting into sci fi, but if you want to do what we all want to do which is to TRICK someone into liking Sci Fi, you have to start with things that people don't realise are, but that sinks in after a while. Here's my list:

I will come back when Bill Paxton's run starts.

If it's Under the Dome, about 20 seconds into the tv spot.

Still the point, though. The show's meant to be a TV show version of the old mid-day matines which were always a mix-mash of different styles, just like the Grindhouse movies, dancing around the different subgenres within the genre of Grindhouse flicks.

HIMYM is a great show which waned in the middle, mostly due to lack of direction. It's truly the biggest one which lost its direction a while ago, but it's really found it again, but there's definitely some oddities about the history now that they've stretched a show which was really only supposed to last for 5 years

What Voyager always made me think was "are they making this show to see just how bad they can make Star Trek before the trekkies stop watching?"

This... this just can't be real... can it?

I see what you gig there.

The concept of "tenured scientists who have nothing to lose" only exists in the United States. Almost all scientists who perform these kind of analyses worldwide work on a project to project basis. And most of those projects are funded by organisations with motives and things to prove. If their research doesn't fulfil

Actually, science can only start with opinion. The current model under which all science is scrutinised predicates that the tester has an opinion of what they anticipate the outcome to be.

The children of the original cast wouldn't be child cartos, they should be grown ass adults.


I heard Shia retired...

This story is so unsourced it may as well be Hitler's propaganda about the rest of the "evil" world.

a rougue? As in Baton Rougue?

I think it's nice to know that they canonise all of the films, de-canonise the Ewoks, even if I loved Caravan of Courage, and canonise the Tales of the Jedi Era, which led to the KotOR.

Disney retconned their own alterations of shit, so it's good to know they've got this. It means maybe they'll retcon the stuff which was heavily detested about the butchery.

The argument that the paleo diet is based on paleolithic food due to pre-agriculture is the lunacy, though. Agriculture didn't introduce the concept of eating carbs, it refined it making it better, more accessible etc.

It's her way of saying "I'm not making jokes about them because I think I'm better than them, but because I know I'm not". I think she's classy and sassy for it. And not just because we share a birthday, albeit 9 years apart.

It's possible there's a cause. It's possible the organic foods have been contributary to it. But until you can perform an evidence based, generational examination with controlled environments, there's nearly no telling to be sure.