
Are you ignoring the Lord of the Rings series? 450m for 10 episodes.

You’ve forgotten Dawn of the Dead being shot with some of the same people as Shawn of the Dead. Not exactly a sequel, but the film’s are supposed to coexist in parallel.

My favourite Thatcher Effect image

Are you aware of just how much of this stuff has actually happened before? This show is based on actual events.

I only saw the second movie and found it terrible, so I never went back to see the first, nor the effort to see the third.

Man, DPKTMU was a great read, but pretty confronting.

But say "fuck" twice? No fucking way.

Jonah Hill being fucked by a demon is possibly a contributor to that. Possibly.

Dead eyes make the difference.

Kick-Ass 2 tanked hard because of its ridiculous release schedule, but is being blamed on piracy. It had nothing to do with either the rating or the piracy, it had everything to do with them trying to, as Louis CK put it, "keep money in, when in reality, all they're doing is keeping money out". Jim Carrey also

Great article, although I would argue that while the dystopias of Science Fiction may ignore this, so do our world leaders, who still believe that their enemies' enemies and their friends.

It is entirely possible that they tried many other things which ultimately led to her being able to compensate, thus essentially training her brain to operate as normally as it could, and she may never have experienced anything as severe as her recent issues before. Having had a child in a relatively normal way

I just watched Catching Fire, finally. Gotta say, that achieves the brief here. It doesn't really have any "whoa" moments or twists (other than the relatively obvious [spoiler] PSH actually being a rebel), but it just shows more of the whole world and how the events of the first one have impacted on the world by the

He did return to Fox as Producer of X-Men: First Class, though. And made a handful of other WB/Warner movies, including Jack the Giant Slayer (which was also pretty terrible, on report).

Roald Dahl: eloquent, literate, xenophobic.

i came to say the same thing. I mean, I love the books, but damn are they creepy. Matilda most of all.


Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions are to The Matrix Saga as Spiderman 3 is to the Spiderman saga: somehow, the whole saga is worse because of it.

There is so much wrong with the movie, it's hard to see the good in it. I liked Routh and Posie, but didn't dig... well pretty much anybody else in it, including Spacey. It's concept of turning 1 and 2 on their heads was well conceived, but so poorly executed, even Bryan Singer couldn't run away from WB/DC back to

I wouldn't say the mother part is a spoiler. It's in the trailer. I've been waiting to see this, but haven't gotten around to it, and I knew that was a "twist" but not a spoiler, per se.