
but maybe then they can go live in a nice retirement home together

In an ideal world, cultural appropriation would only be called out if it was someone who expressed something racist or discriminatory about another culture.

My obvious lack of ability to format and size properly aside. Braised short ribs on top of cheesy gruyere polenta.

only God, Darren, and the victim know what happened.

Racism doesn’t exist. I know because my friends and I aren’t racist.

This concludes my daily allowance of sarcasm.

I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.

Hey, it’s just another effed up future. At least nobody’s being surgically turned into cyborgs.

“...murdered for refusing to have sex with Ferreira at a party.”

Hahah.. I worked at Subway for a few years. It was generally only one person on, two if you were lucky. Well that day there were two of us! My coworker is out taking care of the customer, I’m in the side room doing prep work. I can hear every single word this person is saying, and I can see what she’s putting on the

But we don’t need unions or collective bargaining or wage laws because each individual server can just use the vast power and leverage they hold to stop the managers from doing this sort of thing. Also I have a magic unicorn rabbit that shits skittles.

That’s one of those cutesy nicknames that only works if you’re very close with someone, otherwise, yep, it sounds condescending. I would only accept that from a very short list of people.

You may not have meant anything in the “peach” comment. You may have even thought you were being a colloquial cutie pie. But goddamnit, that came off as smug as fuck.

Attention all news outlets:

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.

cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat

I had an idea for a future avatar in a cyberpunk-y world where the role has been relegated to solely “celebutante” status and instead of of the 4 nations you have the corporations like Satotech and Cabbage Corp running most things. One of them cracked energy bending to allow for normal people to become benders via a

At least a two-hour special explaining the end of Season Two:

You know what? As a gay person who’s been subjected to repeated legal discrimination—including being blocked from marrying my partner of over a decade until a couple of months ago, being subject to a ban on LGBT adoption, having to hire an attorney to draft POA and hospital visitation documents just so I could see my

Excellent. I am sure this thoughtful law will be followed by a large budget shift so that any infants with severe disabilities will be given full, free lifetime housing, round the clock nursing care and behavioral therapy of the highest quality.

Yup. The sad puppies are more than welcome to participate with everyone, but they don’t get to dictate who can and can’t and that is the crux of the problem.