Imhofe: “This was a bad decision!”
Imhofe: “This was a bad decision!”
Dear Sen. Inhofe,
Why does everyone complain that deli sandwiches are not made the way they are in NYC, then stare expectantly as if I can do something about that? NYC is hundred of miles away from where I am serving you. Do you think I have Carmen Sandiego stuffed up my ass, and can instantly whip her out and transport us to the Land…
Honestly these people all need to eat at home if they are so particular about things. They all need to stay in their troll caves and remove themselves from polite society. Too many people believe the customer is always right. You’re not. Really it’s just carte blanche for people to act like childish assholes.
Also, the millions of moms are onto something... what DOES yogurt have to do with sex? What does beer have to do with sex? What do cars have to do with sex? What do website domain names have to do with sex? What do chicken wings have to do with sex? ... What do guns have to do with religion? What does the flag have to…
That’s why I occasionally drive by and throw trash in the yard of the guy who works the night-shift at my corner gas station. “Fuck you, Roger! Why my gas and smokes still so spendy?”
I worked at a theater while Passion of the Christ was out. It brought it some pretty interesting people. One customer straight up told me that I was going to hell while buying tickets. I also had a blind customer get tickets for the movie. Normally I wouldn’t think that was weird, but the entire movie is in Aramaic…
Andrea Farrington was 20 years old. She worked at the Iowa Children’s Museum. She loved children. She was planning on going back to school and possibly studying psychology.
“although he admitted that he bought her a one-way plane ticket back to Korea, which she took.”
Ooh ooh me!
(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)
I am made unreasonably happy about the shake story. Though I don’t personally work there, there’s a small, local ice cream shop down the road I get coffee at (weird, I know, but it’s cheap and pretty good) and there are just so many entitled kids there whose parents don’t do anything about. TThe worst one of these…
Not if you’re assuming (incorrectly, but that’s beside the point) that they wouldn’t necessarily be great readers in English (yes, everyone, I have now been informed that English is Ghana’s official language, you can stfu about it) and expect it would take 10-15 minutes to go through the whole menu—not to mention…
Yep, I was thinking that TLC will use this to take the “outrage temperature” of the duggar audience. The duggar contracts MUST give TLC approval over any statement or interview. I can’t look at one more silly ‘side hug’—the girls practically have arranged marriages —they get pregnant a week or two after their first…
If this is market research ABC is floating to see if we would watch an all-male Bachelor or an all-female Bacehlorette the answer is yes. Hell yes. Especially with Amy Schumer as co-host. Make a gay Bachelor happen already!!
(Editor’s Note: I have serious feels about “Tall” being the name for a fucking Small and “Grande” being a goddamned Medium. Fuck you, Starbucks, I will order a Large, not a Venti, and you will FUCKING LIKE IT)