
Um...POC don’t exist to educate you and be your teaching moment whenever you need one. That, it and of itself, is some racist bullshit.

It’s one thing to not be familiar with a particular type of food. It’s another to keep insisting on asking for things that are not on the menu that’s in front of you, and to talk to the staff like they are either idiots or do not speak English when they tell you that what you want isn’t on the menu.

A yuppie and his date came into the bar. It was obviously early in the relationship and he was obviously showing her how urbane he was.

Though the setting is incredibly modern, check the Convergeance series that’s out now. A lot of the old characters are revisited and get closure. I’m even talking about versions of characters such as a married Superman. It’s really good to read about those old characters again.

As a big Batman fan I do understand what

Quite honestly, I had no idea I wanted to read an article on human cannonballs until I saw this headline.

Michelle: I want her outside feats of strength to be a cover for her inner turmoil. she doesn't hate men, but she's in a patriarchy after having been raised in a matriarchy and she sees things differently.

God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-

I am honestly so sick of hearing about everyone's paleo diet. You can't eat a slice of bread in front of one of these yutzes without hearing about omg bread is poison. And cheese is poison. And white potatoes are poison. What ever happened to moderation, eating lots of vegetables and maintaining healthy portions?

Those McDonalds dudes were definitely tripping their face off.

I have stabbed a child before, unwillingly and unwittingly.

Drugs are a helluva drug.

This is like, the ur-example of what "privilege" actually is and I will draw on it forevermore.

Totally. I have two kids. We were/are looking to adopt a third. My mental health was questioned because I was sad after two miscarriages. I was told they would have to investigate to make sure they could trust me with a child. But here this guy was allowed to adopt two and he doesn't even want them.

I hope this results in more attention on the gray market for children. Rehoming is common and tragic.

Back when I was young and stupid (well, younger, and stupider) I got my first bartending job at a nice Spanish restaurant. I had taken a little bartending class and was pretty good at the dozen or so drinks that 90% of patrons ordered. One day, an elderly gentleman sat at the bar and requested, with a rough,

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

I normally don't comment on these (or take part in any online conversation), but I actually had an experience similar to those I am so used to reading about on Behind Closed Ovens. My story happened yesterday (March 1, 2015) so it's recent, and deals with a stupid customer.

I'm back! I told my husband his kosher story was such a hit before, he volunteered one even I had no clue about, so here it is:

"You can watch the full speech here."