Someone once wrote Dan Savage (of Savage Love) asking, "I like doing x. Am I weird?"
Someone once wrote Dan Savage (of Savage Love) asking, "I like doing x. Am I weird?"
I wish there were more people in the world like this grandfather. If there were, we wouldn't get so many people out there unable to process simple facts like "I'm sorry, your password can be reset, but it's going to take a few minutes." "Well, that is UNACCEPTABLE." Really? I think you'll find if you really sit…
It's not that I have anything against Maria—in fact, I hope she's making videos off of these fetish (would you call them fetish?)
I know people who are into ASMR and I would never knock it. It's a way to relieve stress and anxiety, it's free, and people who use it are being proactive about self-care.
Oh yeah, totally logical. When I place a to go order and they ask for a name, I'm always like, "Let me show you the facebook page of the person the order is for." Restaurants love that because it's so much more efficient than just saying, "Steve." What a wacky misunderstanding!
Makes sense. It's so much harder for them to get married and have it be respected, I think it's not done as lightly as it may be in other cases. Straight couples sometimes feel the need to be married because they're pregnant, because it's expected, because they want sex (religious), etc. Gay couples get married…
Oh fuck you so, so, so hard.
I'm glad restaurants are coming up with a way to pay their servers fairly, I'm so sick of this sub minimum wage bullshit. Like last week for example, I had to come back from visiting family so I could work the Friday after Thanksgiving. I rushed back from my trip and went straight to work to have one table all night…
Probably because like most people she can't just pick a job out of a hat and suddenly be employed. People work where they have to work.
Yeah, like — most of what Mags does is ostensibly to free his people from FUCKING GOVERNMENTS THAT HAVE CREATED LITERAL DEATH MACHINES WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS TO KILL HIS KIND.
My guess is that she's never going to apologize about this "spoiler", and re-raising the issue on a post about something infinitely more seriously isn't going to change that.
Because the employees are poor, minimally educated, and terrified they will lose their jobs if they complain?
Fuck this. You want to help? Go volunteer or give money to a crisis center. Talk to your children about boundaries and healthy relationships. I've seen the real faces of abuse, and they never had to paint it on.
FCKH8 is a shitty company, donate money directly to places that provide support to victims of domestic violence.
My favorite Italian waiter story was at a traditional Roman style place in Trastevere. Really good, really legit old school Roman food, so very, very heavy. We had walked across the whole damn city so we over-0rdered with suppli (fried risotto) to start and heavy, pork-laden pasta as the first courses for each of us.…
When my two daughters were in elementary school, I took them to the local fast-food place to buy them an Arctic Rush. (It's like a Slurpee) My younger daughter ordered a blue raspberry Arctic Rush, and my older daughter ordered an orange one.
When men wear those oversized tank tops where the arm hole goes super low and shows their sides. Especially the homemade from giant t-shirt kind. Pasty side ribcage is not for me.
Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.
I know, right? It just reminds me of the horrible double standard we have to live with, where men's penises are just tossed around 'willy-nilly' like so much biohazardous waste, yet women who report being the victim of rape have every possible criminal lead doggedly pursued for 7 years, with Sheriffs hunting…