
ANTM is my guilty pleasure. I am fascinated by how oblivious Tyra is of her own offensive behavior, and how sadly willing the young women are in their own eagerness to exploit themselves... It's like watching burn victims applaud Nero for his fiddling.

Even my favorite writers describe how a female character looks and also rate her beauty, but men are never described this way. Whenever I read Stephen King, who I do love, I can pretty much count on knowing what a woman's breasts are shaped like.

Mine is trite, predictable dialogue worthy of a bad B-movie . If I start to read a passage where one character says, "Wow, she's good." and my suspicions that the other will respond with, "You have no idea." are proven correct, then I know I probably won't enjoy the rest.

i think the sky Jesus header and the title where effective trigger warnings.

I have radically pacifist religious beliefs. Now, personally, I recognize it isn't black and white and so understand why, say, soldiers go to war, or people kill in self-defense. But many in my denomination take "turn the other cheek" at its most radical meaning and don't believe there's any justification for war or

I've noticed that myself. If someone explicitly targets gays, blacks, Jews, etc. then by and large it's recognized as a hate-crime and the person who committed the crime is a hateful bigot.

Did she threaten you with bodily harm and/or death when you said no to sex? If so, that would fall under what we're talking about. If not, nope.

If any men want to experience a taste of this, make an online dating profile, fill it with some generic stuff, and make your profile pic a young woman. Then, as the messages come flooding in, politely decline and wish them luck. When I did this once several years ago, I was constantly badgered and this quickly turned

I was a university student in 1989 when a man killed 14 women at a technical college in Montreal, Quebec. He walked into a classroom, said "you're all a bunch of feminists" and shot the women. He only targeted women.

I just keep thinking: will they believe us now? Is this finally the moment when men start to grasp the reality that women live in?

social norms influence how mental illness expresses itself. the fact men with mental illness in the united states often lash out in misogynistic ways reflects the deeper problems of our culture.

League of Ordinary Public-Domain Fictional Constructs

I just love when people, upon finding out I'm a lesbian, start to give me a list of all the gay people they've ever known. I know that it is some misguided attempt at trying to let me know that they are okay with gay people, but it is really, really annoying.

Which bad decision is that? Having the unfortunate luck to get knocked up? Did the sexually active kids who dodged a bullet make the same bad decision, a different one, or none?

One of the yearbook editors said in a news report that they did it because teenage parents don't attend homecoming, dances or most other social activities because of their parental responsibilities, so they wouldn't otherwise be featured in the yearbook's other pages. I *get* the resistance, but I think the kids'

A yearbook captures the essence of a graduating class - they've always had random little featurettes, common moments, and other side crap (not to mention pages upon PAGES of ads). I see no problem here with celebrating that actually graduating with a teen pregnancy is an achievement. We should absolutely be promoting

Good for the school for being progressive and inclusive. Shame on the parents for getting pissed. I had a friend who was excluded from her senior year book (and not allowed to cross the stage) because she was pregnant. It still upsets her. She got pregnant, made the choice to have the baby and was punished for it.

Well, that escalated quickly.

So despite the 100s of excessive drinking game apps with no age restriction, the chat up line apps that serve no purpose than to fuel future douche-baggery... THIS GETS DENIED?

I figured out how to get my kids to behave in a restaurant.