
1) That is an INCREDIBLY unlikely scenario and I am willing to take that risk because statistically, it rarely ever happens.

If this is sarcasm, I would point out that it does work well for things that are not easily manufactured. We’ve got a pretty good handle on controlling Sudafed, for example, thanks to a national registry. It’s hard to control things like drugs, because drugs are either fairly easily manufactured in the US (meth, weed)

We don’t need to make laws that bar every potential criminal from owning a gun. We just need to make it difficult and annoying enough to get a gun that the majority of potential criminals are deterred. For example, we could make it mandatory to attend classes before you’re allowed to even touch a gun (like we do with

This is what I don’t get. I know SO MANY people who are like, “But what if my house is being robbed!” and I’m like, “You could...not shoot anyone and call your insurance company the next day?”

Well, we know the rate of gun accidents (not even homicides here, just accidents) is way higher than the rate of crimes “stopped” by guns. It’s not just that somebody might develop a serious mental illness and kill their children, it’s that many, many people do not take proper care of lethal weapons.

So essentially, the treaties and such that compose the “Irish peace” predated the EU, but abiding by the Irish peace was required to join the EU. The Tories for whatever reason (I’m not super clear on why) do not like the peace and wanted to redo those treaties but could not while the UK was in the EU. Now that the UK

Look out on Ireland because part of the peace is tied up with the EU.

Lohan can apparently actually name places in the UK other than London so I think she might be beating Trump there.

Ugh. Surely in a free country, we should be able to choose. :P

I think all people are entitled to the same rights, so I fail to see where you’re getting that from.

Yeah, jfc the woman is dead, take 10 seconds to proofread.

Is this to me? I am against drafting people into military service. I think forcing people to support the killing of others is abominable.

Because these are adults with legal workplace and wage protections. I also don’t think that sweatshop labor technically qualifies as slavery either, because those people are not literally purchased. Slavery (in which a human is bought and used for labor without compensation or consent) does exist still, but I think it

I believe in self-defense. I don’t know how anything I said above negates that. Raping someone is not “bodily autonomy,” its assault. I also don’t think you can compare warfare and rape—generally soldiers who agree to go to war agree to assume some risk to their person.

I don’t see what your point is. You keep repeating “war is bad” as if that somehow equates to “women are not equally capable as soldiers” when it doesn’t. Your experience is not universal, or even representative. If you’re middle-aged, you have probably never experienced US women in equal combat roles, so how the fuck

Anecdotes are not data.

And we seem to have an adequate number of volunteers.

Sure, but given the massive drafts of the period, there is no way to know if volunteerism would have been effective (or if other strategies, like incentivizing enlistment, would have been). I’m also not sure that one justifiable war justifies the next seventy years of ambivalent ones.

Women have been in combat roles for thousands of years and are killing people as we speak as members of numerous militaries and rebel units around the world. Some of the most famous fighters in WWII were the Soviet Night Witches, elite female fighter pilots. The first woman in the US to get a military pension was a

Frankly, I don’t even understand why we allow guns to be manufactured that a child can fire. There is no reason why civilians should have guns with trigger pull weights light enough for a toddler to operate them.