On the bright side, I think it’s a real testament to human empathy that people often imagine fictional characters as equal to flesh-and-bood people.
On the bright side, I think it’s a real testament to human empathy that people often imagine fictional characters as equal to flesh-and-bood people.
The problem is that this character is not a real person. He is a fictional character with no agency; he can’t “choose” anything. The author has chosen to create a story where the ideal outcome is the disabled person dying. Its a problem when the only stories about disabled people we can imagine are ones where…
A group of fifteen boys coerced an underage girl into sex. There isn’t a way you can cut that where it doesn’t look like intimidation. Even as an adult woman, if fifteen men cornered me in a bathroom and demanded sex, I’m not sure I’d be able to refuse without worrying about the possibility of violence. Add in the…
Those stupid Unpopular Opinion pieces can be divided into three categories:
I just don’t get it! Once in awhile they turn out a really touching piece, so clearly someone over their has their head screwed on straight.
They are deep-fried to get that shape.
But...we don’t even know that this has anything to do with BLM. For one, BLM’s closed fist gesture usually includes the arm extended. For another, people raise their fists in photos ALL THE TIME just to be like “yay! Rah!”
Yeah, I gotta say, all the stories I hear about people being molested in public restrooms are about little boys being molested by men in the men’s room. But you know, let’s make a law that says parents are legally barred from accompanying an opposite-sex child over the age of 6 into the restroom.
LOTS of people have criminal records at young ages and go on to have totally productive lives. And at that age, small time crime probably tells more about their home lives that it does about them. They’re kids. All kids deserve to grow up.
Yeah, my grandmother heard her fall, came in, and saw her seizing.
Seizures can be spontaneous too. My aunt had a seizure in the shower and got a concussion. Very scary. But it was the first and last time she ever had one, and no one could ever give her an explanation as to why it happened.
I wish. They’ve bought into the Fox News doomsdaying.
My parents are diehard Republicans and they’ve decided to vote Trump because, as my mother said, “Cruz is too creepy.” Unfortunately they’re constitutionally opposed to voting Democrat so they’ve talked themselves into believing that Trump isn’t just as nuts. Two months ago my dad would have died if he knew he’d be…
Yeah. Every Republican I talk to says “I’m voting Trump because I literally can’t stand Cruz.” or “I’m voting Cruz because I literally can’t stand Trump.”
Dude, reading comprehension.
Xena’s hardly butch.
Okay, but think about the minimum expected effort from men compared to the minimum expected effort from women. I have to shower, shave, do my hair, put on makeup, and have matching clothes and accessories to meet the minimum “you don’t look like a troll” standard for women. Men have to...roll out of bed and find a…
If that’s all you say, then you’re not likely to get many responses (at least from my anecdotal evidence).
I don’t see how “cast a wide net” and “write a semi-personalized message” are mutually exclusive. Writing in some personalization takes what, 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds for “hey”? You could still message 50 people in a day and not break a sweat.
That’s how I feel too. Long messages can get sort of weird and overly personal, but 1 paragraph is usually good. My go-to is “I see you liked X movie/book. I haven’t seen it yet—what did you like about it? Have you seen [thing I like]?”