Yeah, I think Roberts needs to get a refund for his history education.
Yeah, I think Roberts needs to get a refund for his history education.
Seriously. Alison Brie looks like she’s half his age. I know she’s not, but my god, did the character lose her virginity at age 12?
Nah, some people are just assholes.
Clearly, you are not aware of the cultural implications of yachts, sweater sets, and having enough money to feel like it excuses your behavior.
It’s not about them having money. Its about the fact that they, extremely privileged people who have been blessed beyond most, felt the need to berate a minimum-wage restaurant worker because they couldn’t have what they wanted immediately. It just shows a sort of general entitlement and ingratitude.
Most normal people realize that technology isn’t magical or perfect, and understand when a human tells you the restaurant is full, the restaurant is full.
Well, there’s a difference between saying, “Can I have the rice instead of the potatoes” or “I have X allergy, can you accomodate that?” and asking a restaurant to invent new items for you.
Ugh, I agree. The number of people who defend these nutcases with “But it’s just one request!” or “If the restaurant CAN make it, they SHOULD!” is ridiculous. If you are incapable of ordering off the menu and being satisfied, maybe it isn’t the restaurant for you.
When I was 15 and working in a public library, I regularly had people who came up to me and went, “I read this book and it was really popular in 1979. You must remember it! Tell me what it was!”
IDK. The white gay dude represented LGBT folks in the media for pretty much all of the nineties and early 00’s. I’m okay with the white lesbians getting a shot, although it’d be nice to see some other varieties of queer folks too.
Its funny how these sorts of comments never show up on ads about straight people.
They might not have let him know. He might have been specifically targeting one woman at time, or heard through other workers at the mall that the complaint had been filed, or the victim might’ve told him herself in an attempt to get him to go away
Surely you understand how smaller forces in society can create disproportionate responses in some individuals? Of course MRAs don’t advocate murdering women. But their ideas—that women should always respond positively to men’s advances, that comments on women’s appearances are always welcome, that women are to blame…
It happened right in the atrium of the mall, so it’s a crime scene, and people really can’t enter the main mall without disturbing it.
Yeah, and unfortunately I think a lot of people have the “But what about second chances?!” mentality. I’m all for second chances, but only after an abuser has gone through either significant therapy and counseling or the legal system and proves that he knows his actions were abhorrent.
This is horrifying. Is the argument actually, “Well, he only choked her and slammed her against a wall once, so obviously he’s a caring father”? Really, he admitted to that and the court let him have the kid? What the hell?
Not really. Generally, the US legal system leaves loopholes for such circumstances as “I fled with my child because our abuser kicked us out.” Also, he apparently only established parental rights after the fact.
Has she tried contacting any groups that specifically work with Mexican immigrants? Sometimes DV/women’s rights groups are less helpful because they don’t work with immigrants or Spanish-speakers on a regular basis. I’m not in NY, but here in the Midwest immigrant organizations definitely seem to be more helpful than…
I *think* (disclaimer: not a legal expert) that what happened is she met the qualifications to return in 2014, was promised a visa, and then her name tripped an alarm in a separate database. At which point the Yolo County authorities were alerted, and they arrested her upon arrival.