
Any brands you recommend?

Yes, it’s about how much foam there is compared to milk. A latte has a little bit of soft foam. A cappuccino has a good amount of stiff foam. A dry cappuccino has more foam.

Yes...and the debate was, again, about reducing sentencing for all non-violent offenders, including men. I realize men suffer in prison too. My comment was about the particular ways prison affects women, who are more likely to suffer harassment from authority figures in prison and more likely to report symptoms of


Okay, but when was the last time any catering food included whole peppercorns?

Okay, if your child is autistic and you give in to their desire to only eat one food their entire lives, that is child abuse and a complete failure of parenting. Seriously. Autistic children may have odd preferences, but they’re not incapable of learning, or of knowing what is polite to ask for and not ask for, unless

I’ll up you one: my father hasn’t eaten fruit since he was six years old (including “technically fruits” like uncooked tomatoes), and neither he nor his parents nor anyone else can even remember the reason anymore. He just doesn’t eat fruit. At this point I don’t even think he knows what fruit tastes at all.

So here’s my crazy plan for fixing DC right now:

Yeah. The only run that I thought really embraced her origins was Gail Simone’s, but that spent just as much time on the rest of the Amazons.

Basically, they have mild seasonal allergies (as does the whole rest of my family and pretty much anybody in the midwest) and in her head this became MY CHILDREN WILL DIE IF THEY TOUCH NATURE.

Haha, I’ll have to submit it.

RIGHT? Even if you’ve never eaten sushi, surely you’ve encountered it somewhere in popular culture.


Um, I’m pretty sure that guy’s racism is not unintentional.

You don’t have to understand that your actions are racist for them to be racist. That’s kind of the point.

Right! Maybe there was a time when people might genuinely not know something and it wasn’t their fault, but that time has passed. If you’re ignorant of a basic food concept today, it’s because you actively chose not to learn about it.

Most places I’ve been to do that, but this particular restaurant was very traditional and only had a few cooked options (outside of the vegetarian ones).

Yeah, the elder one has turned out okay, but the younger one is pretty messed up (anti-social, very weird and difficult to converse with, hypochondriac).

There’s a big difference between not knowing the specifics of different dishes and not knowing what an entire category of food is, especially when eating at a restaurant that only serves that category of food. Google exists.

There is actually a type of traditional scrambled egg rolls, so that’s not so weird :)