Yeah, I mostly read fanfic now. I'm really hoping that it turns out the old universe is one of the 7 mystery universes of the multiverse.
Yeah, a big part of my problem with N52 is the "superheroes have only been around for 5 years" thing that unfortunately doesn't accommodate legacy heroes like Wally.
Yeah, I get why people enjoyed the newest, lighter tone Batgirl book (god knows the batfamily needs some fun books) but they already had a fun batgirl book.
Personally, it was the end of Oracle that really did it for me. I feel like Barbara Gordon is a much more generic character now. They've basically made her a redheaded Stephanie Brown.
I would pay good money if DC would put out some multiverse titles.* I LOVE the old Elseworlds books (especially the Tangent universe). Pre-52 I bought a ton of DC books but I've pretty much stopped buying any of them since the reboot because they either killed off my favorite characters (Wally West, the Justice…
Well it's usually considered rude.
It makes sense to want a waiter who can make conversation while waiting for something, and a waiter remembering you is definitely a plus, but the people who base tips on some arbitrary amount of smiles are ridiculous.
Ugh, I get that ALL THE TIME (though it used to be worse when I was a teenager). Maybe that's where some of my annoyance at this friendly server business comes from.
I seriously don't get the people who want an "extra friendly" server. Why isn't being pleasantly polite enough? The server is there to get your food, not to be your dinner companion, and it's not possible to muster conversation and extra smiles for every single table every night.
Oh, I don't think they even think about it that much. They probably don't even believe that intersex people exist, or believe its some sort of inherent moral failing like they think being gay is.
Well, there's a lot more recognition now that children can be mentally ill, so it really doesn't have to be severe.
Part of it is just that there are way more female teachers than male, and it's not until you get into college that the numbers reverse (and sexual assaults by professors are less likely to be reported).
Naw, that's not what this law says. It says: "We fear trans people so much that will we put punitive and illogical laws in place to make their lives harder and more dangerous."
So intersex people are screwed, huh?
Ugh, isn't that the worst!? I was eating cereal the other day when suddenly a giant black lump floated to the surface. I think it was probably just burnt cereal-bits but there's nothing quite like putting something in your mouth that doesn't belong there.
It depends. If he stabbed her in the abdomen, well, there's a lot of tissue there to keep a blade away from bone. Given the condition of the body, animals could have gotten at it and tooth/claw marks would distort or destroy stab marks.
Is he saying he can't tell if a person is unconscious? Is he an actual human?
How is it inherently unstable? You've pointed out a very small community who practices polygamy (which, btw, is different from polyamory. One is a type of marriage between a man and multiple women, and the other is a preference for relationships with multiple partners of any gender) as part of a wider pattern of…
Very true. Personally, I would love to see polyamorous unions legalized as I've got several poly friends. I think it's just an extra layer of complications that make an unpopular cause all the more so.