
It's like producing "jalapeno" like "jah-lah-pen-oh." It's just ignorance, not any sort of actual regional speaking pattern.

I think they're giving less informed servers weird ideas about what gluten is and isn't too. I had a server at a cafe today insist that their bread was "partially gluten free!" because it was made from "spelt, not wheat!" I couldn't get her to believe me that spelt was wheat and there's no such thing as partially

To be exact, I didn't say you were an MRA (not knowing you, I have no idea how you choose to label yourself) but you are ascribing to the MRA fearmongering narrative that perpetuates a culture of misogyny and harms both women and men. For instance, you seem to believe that feminism is about degrading men for the

Those people drive me nuts. They're essentially questioning the ability of courts to do the very thing high courts in this country are supposed to do.

You know, I've read this comment three times trying to understand how you got from minimum wage to MRA scare-fiction but I think I'm just going to hand you a tinfoil hat instead. You should really consider staying off the internet if it upsets you so much.

That makes no sense. Companies don't hire double the number of people they need to function. If a company can afford to drop half their workforce, they had waaaay too many extra employees.

Minimum wage was intended to be (and was, at its inception) high enough for a person to be able to afford to house, feed and clothe themselves and their families on 40-50 hours a week. That is no longer possible anywhere in the US, because the minimum wage has not risen with inflation.* Of course food service is a

Well, this was also the girl who made our (normally level-headed, award-winning) teacher cry out of sheer frustration once. She couldn't figure out why her pen wasn't working, so she decided to take out the ink cartridge and blow into it. The teacher was standing in front of her, and got a facefull of blue ink. This

Call your nearest elementary/middle school and ask for the contact info for the girl scout troop leader there. You could probably email in an order. do you avoid bone in chicken? She never ate a roast chicken, or fried chicken, or anything?

Some of that has to do with the ancient Egyptian concept of the afterlife. In order to pass on, the dead had to be remembered. So if someone was particularly disliked or committed a really egregious crime, their name was scrubbed from history so that they couldn't even rest in death (this is probably what happened to

I once knew a girl who thought that beef was the dark meat of chicken. No idea man.

Even if standing on the dog now doesn't hurt it (or doesn't cause it to lash out—remember, it is very well trained), standing on a dog can actually lead to problems later on. Repeatedly treating a dog like that can cause fractures, spinal problems, or even paralyze a dog, even if it seems fine the first time. Imagine

Even if there's no immediate injury, stepping on a dog like that (or letting your kids ride a bigger dog) can cause the dog to have problems later on like spinal problems or stress fractures. Also, imagine if a six-year-old was stepping on another kid the size of that dog. You wouldn't allow that, obviously.

Personally, I felt like that happened with a lot of the characters. 90% of the movie was great build-up and then the last 10% felt like the director yelled "Okay! Let's wrap up everybody's storyline in the next five minutes!" Not having seen the musical, I don't know if this was a Disneyfication failure or the way it

It means "everybody acting exactly how I wish them to." My parents, unfortunately, are some of these people so by now I can follow the twisted logic :P

It depends. Some airlines don't allow it after 34-36 weeks or only allow it with a doctor's note, but Southwest doesn't have that policy. It's generally not recommended for women after 36 weeks but sometimes you really do have to travel. Also, she could have given birth prematurely.

Really? Wouldn't it follow, then, that ANY person in a job that involves dealing with customers will be less effective if they're actually paid instead of being tipped? Should we stop giving bank tellers, grocery store cashiers, and mailmen a regular wage and just tip them instead? Or is it just waiters that will

Oooh, yes, a Men of Letters show. I'm a sucker for a fantastical period piece.

Jackson, I believe.