

Clearly, you do not work in the restaurant industry.

Okay, but you still knew she was a woman. So why did you call her a boy?

How exactly did you miss that the model is a woman? How on earth did you get to the article without reading the title?

Don't disparage corsets! A well-fitting corset is actually better support than a bra for those of us cursed with large boobs. The problem is that a lot of people think "wearing a corset" = "lace this thing as tight and high as I possibly can until I can no longer breathe or feel my midsection."

It's one of those dryers where the inside compartment is set on a track and spins freely when the dryer is off. So the cat basically decided to use it as a big hamster wheel.

Technically speaking, inducing delivery of a fetus before it is viable is still abortion.

To be fair, a feminist meetup was the only place where I've ever been congratulated on my apparently political decision to be a lesbian.

Anybody remember when "freedom of religion" only meant that you were allowed to make decisions about your own life on religious principles, and not anybody else's?

Personally I think ze probably was abused (though maybe not by zir father necessarily) seeing as how that seems to be a common thread through all the various identities. I'm just amazed that somehow this slipped through the cracks. I can imagine pedophilia, mental illness, and drug abuse being missed by the various

Holy shit. I think you win.

Well, marriage was originally devised as a way to ensure inheritances, lines of succession, and property rights (in ancient Greece, the ceremonies for joining families and joining property were nearly indistinguishable. There are records of marriages of two men or two women for the purpose of joining property). The

Okay, but when has a single one of those men pretended to be a transgender woman in order to gain access to the fitting rooms? Seriously, can you name one single case? Nothing from either party's story gives the impression that Kylie presented herself as anything other than a woman needing a bra. The fact that she had

My phone once autocorrected "vulvas" (and spelled correctly, too) to "Vulcans."

Gender non-conforming is a subset of trans. Trans is an umbrella term encompassing all people whose gender does not match that assigned at birth, not just binary transgender women and men. Not knowing Wren himself, I can't say if he identifies as genderqueer or male (some people use gender non-conforming to mean "does

As a woman, I've always imagined that having a penis must be a terrifying experience. I mean, to be BLASE about getting your genitals caught in your zipper? AUGH.

I accept that you might actually have some weird thing against all commercials of this format. But you do understand why this is an inappropriate forum to express that, right? Calling media portrayal of an LGBT couple "pandering" has negative and offensive connotations, since historically, whenever LGBT people have

I guess I don't see how you think this is odd, since it is literally the format of half the commercials on TV. And since you've chosen to take this stand on an article specifically about an LGBT commercial, and have chosen to call it "pandering" as if the rest of capitalism is somehow not pandering to every possible

Why does it matter? There are plenty of commercials that feature a straight couple getting engaged or revealing to family members that they're having a child. Why is featuring an equally emotional moment in the life of a queer couple "pandering" when it follows the same basic formula as those other commercials?

No, we should start eating dogs.