suggestion: take it apart and replace the fan with a nice quiet, quality PC fan?
suggestion: take it apart and replace the fan with a nice quiet, quality PC fan?
what the hell is with all these vitriolic comments? why are people so seemingly butthurt about people having difficulty wih windows poor multi monitor support and seem to think he issue described here can be fixed with win+arrow key? do they not even understand the problem?
Of the 2 girls I've ever asked out, one gave me her number and flaked on me multiple times before I stopped bothering, and the other had a boyfriend - I felt awkward at first, but mostly happy that I TRIED instead of in the future looking back and wishing that I had. I'm not afraid of rejection, I'm afraid of them…
I've been through many doctors, pretty much every one I seem to know more about my condition than they do, and they haven't been able to help me. As for how severe it is, I haven't been to college on monday and tuesday, and I was planning to go today (thursday), but i've been tossing and turning in bed with anxious…
It's been tossing and turning in my bed for 2 hours with anxious thoughts about college tomorrow, which I was actually planning to attend for the first time this week, and now I feel justified in just saying "fuck it" and not going in. Always looking for the smallest excuse not to do something I don't want to.. it's…
That 7-port hub seems to have about 20 different similar variations on Amazon, all by different manufacturers. Why is that? Is it one factory churning them all out, selling them to a company who then slaps their label on them? I have a Plugable one that looks almost exactly like that one. Before this I had a Uspeed…
Something I've learned, yeah. I'm in the UK though, and we're very behind on ADHD, especially adult ADHD which was only recently recognized - I was lucky to be within 2 miles distance of the only adult ADHD clinic in the entire north-west of England, and it took 3 appointments to convince my guy who still has…
I'm 26 and was diagnosed recently and given ritalin. I love this stuff. People think if you are ADHD then you are physically hyperactive. That may be the case in some kids, but for me it seems that my MIND is hyperactive. It causes me great anxiety. When I take ritalin, it calms my mind, and my anxiety, but only for…
I was actually looking for something EXACTLY like a Grid-It to hold all my gadget wires and shit recently. I just bought one on amazon. Thanks lifehacker!
My cure for nausea and vomiting is cannabis. Works every time. I stopped using it recreationally about 6 months ago due to increased anxiety, but I still keep some on hand for such medicinal usage.
This is some spergin' stuff here.
This is so true. I haven't really played games for 3 years now, because I got behind on my backlog, and most of them I only bought at the time because there was nothing else out - but the kicker? I just feel awful if I don't Platinum a game I bought, and because I'm probably a bit spergy/OCD about trophies, I just…
melatonin is great, I sometimes take 2.5mg when I need to re-correct my sleep clock. it works. however, you wrote that comment in such a way that most people replying to you won't ever give it a second thought.
we found the NYC resident
not to mention cinema drinks are watered down as fuck and always end up making me need to leave my seat halfway through the movie to excrete the waste. so even more money is lost. I just take my own drink.
xposed doesn't work with ART does it? so pretty pointless these days
The country? Try the world.
Not sure if this is serious. I hope you're American and live there, because there's no other way to explain your warped view.