white knight simp
white knight simp
why are they so big? do they just have gigantic fan coolers on them? a PCB with chips on it should be.. well, flat. this things thicker than a hardback novel. I watercool myself so I bet the size would at very least half when replaced with a waterblock.
even wii games emulated can look a TON better on PC, there’s no reason to ever buy a nintendo console these days unless you want to play the latest games for a couple of years until there’s an emulator for the console. they should just do a SEGA like you said.
yeah nintendo are going to take on a gawker website for posting blog posts about emulation. get real. I bet you pay for netflix too because you think you’re gonna get ‘caught’ torrenting. weak as hell man.
His point wasn’t that Valve has more money, but more that Valve has ENOUGH money that they wouldn’t hesitate to actually litigate it, and would likely win because it’s been ruled over and over and over that emulation is 100% legal.
there is no reason to own a switch since raspis and such were a thing.
Previous rig: https://streamable.com/9xjclc
it’s less efficient but this thing was made to just be a stunt not optimized for performance. the comment about radiator placement just seemed silly with that in mind. I have 3 radiators in my case, and one of them is actually in the roof too.
Previous rig: https://streamable.com/9xjclc
tacky is your opinion not a fact, stop thinking that way.
how many other peoples PCs do you see a day other than your own? unless you go looking for pictures, probably 0. so being played out has nothing to do with it.
Previous rig: https://streamable.com/9xjclc
you honestly believe that he fatty arbuckled her? are you stupid?
I’ll wait for a PS6 at this point.
what’s with the random mirrors edge rip at the start?
Somebody never played super mario
Collecting retro console stuff is about having the actual stuff. I’ve got a PC and numerous other things like raspi’s I can emulate anything on.
I went through a phase of collecting retro consoles and after a while eventually sold every. thing.
Explain to me what elephants and subwoofers have to do with human vocal range.
Your family are the type of families that are the reason why I don’t go out to eat in public and do other things like that. Because I’m too polite to even complain to anybody and would just sit there and suffer a miserable 2 hours while listening to your howling and cackling. fuck you.