This is a joke right? Do new yorkers not know that the rest of the world sees them as arrogant, smug, and not-that-great-at-all? You know how to tell someone is from new York? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
This is a joke right? Do new yorkers not know that the rest of the world sees them as arrogant, smug, and not-that-great-at-all? You know how to tell someone is from new York? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
There are a bajillion of these tools out there, but nothing will ever replace simply being competent at running your own system.
Grind life experience
Is there a ZOOM Camera equivelant for video recording? or is the stock kitkat recorder pretty much the best you can do?
Anxiety disorder here. This must be why nobody trusts me, despite being the most honest person I've ever known.
Yeah, I was hoping for some UK info on such devices too. That karma hotspot thing looks pretty neat.
you got any proof for that?
why doesn't tasker support this? it seems like a pretty basic programming thing.. what's been so hard about it that it's taken until 2014 for this to be a thing with an app?
I fucking loved this. I used to play it over and over when I had my Saturn.
I drew it as if I was looking at it from behind my forehead. I don't put much stock in this though, because I think it's a lot more complex than just introvert/extrovert. For example, I enjoy extroverted stuff, and I want to do more of it and so on and so forth, but I have an anxiety disorder which prevents me from…
Wrong submission I know, but I forgot to ask this in the one about camera apps - what do you guys like best for video recording?
So what's the best app for video recording? I was really disappointed after installing zoomFX and then clicking the record icon only for the app to close and bring up the default recorder.
I take melatonin a lot because I use various stimulants during the day which can screw up my circadian rythm (armodafinil mainly) for my ADD.
Don't put your pets name on the tag.
*social anxiety fist-bump*
Worse for me too. I often wonder what I would be like if I never got interested in computers as a young teenager. My anxiety is so bad that I don't even post anything on facebook. I have an account that I add people I used to know in school and aquantances I meet at college, but that's it, I don't 'use' it, it makes…
I fear a yes more than a no, honestly. I've asked 2 girls out, actually, mid-last year at some point. One had a boyfriend, I felt awkward at first but shrugged it off - at least I tried and was happy with that. The other kept flaking on me when scheduling to meet up, so that was that.
Kind of hard to describe how severe it is.. it's all relative to the individual.
I have chronic social anxiety, and reading things like this makes me feel better at the time, sometimes it lasts a bit longer, but I always still turn into a nervous wreck in social situations unless i'm under the influence of one of the plethora of drugs that I use to help me get through the day. Benzos, modafinil,…
anyone here used that actual adapter FOR the Vita? I have one and am interested in it for both my Vita and Nexus 5, but I'm also worried about damaging the battery - it should work fine for both without causing issues, right? is that the consensus?