Limeade Youth

…for exactly 6 hours?

The only biting is in the uncut special edition.

I will not hear such slander about our country! I'll see you om court!

Suing her was his one weird trick for getting laid

With your spouse or your date?

Or, more likely, they were BOTH assholes and ipso facto perfect for each other.

I feel like we should ALL be so much higher.

It looks like Getting Some is in the FRIEND ZONE.

General Tommy Franks? Neither of them could hold a candle to Norm.

Rachel Dratch in the role she was born to play: It's Pat!

Best Deal Of The Day
One dollar, to look at it.
Two dollars to touch it.
Three dollars to watch me touch it.
Five dollars to touch it, while I touch my toes.
Six dollars to touch it, while I touch your toe…

$13 for Fantastic Handjobs And Where To Find Them? Sold!!!

"everyone who's morbidly obese"

You're thinking of Vir Das. Kumail Janjiani was the freshman in Van Wilder.

Brad Paisley and LL Cool J would have been way more successful had they written that song.

Dear White People: I loved it. Beyond everything, it's funny. I'm a little put out by people making direct comparisons to Insecure, Atlanta. Don't put the show in the black ghetto. It's a perspective, but it's not the humor itself. If you're going to compare it to a show, compare it to Undeclared or Greek or other

CancerAIDS News Network

Can we just block the IP's of the people giving this show an F? Regardless of how you view the subject matter, the show is just plain well done. Anyone saying otherwise is not engaging the subject matter critically.

The ethics violation is the TA fucking the student because of the power dynamic. Any ethics violation on the student's part would be secondary, even if it's student led.

I'm guessing the usage of duplicative instead of duplicate is used to soften the idea of them being *exactly* the same - maybe just 97-98% the same.