Limeade Youth

Looks like I'm gonna have to spawn this discussion myself.

*DONKEY* love.

I'm glad to hear Mickey's Bloody Mary hasn't changed since I lived above there.

A little mustard will take care of him.

Nice to see the ol' Dissolve crew still being referenced in those links after all these years.

pention mart that test one bake itall.'s dont' he is TThey

The chimps would go … apeshit? I bet the chimps aren't too fond of that wording…

The best part they is don't mention that all take it's one.

I didn't pick Kevin James being into hotwifing.

Anagrams? Pffft. Call me when the song titles are the letters not used in a thematically appropriate word search, left to right and top to bottom.


More like Carly Rae Dawesome amirite?

Bob's Big Boy

No, that's Olde English 800, the Daddy Mack of beers.

Ronald really needs to incorporate more pineapple into his diet.

Have you considered giving up the internet? Never know where Aziz's dad might show up next.

Quit stealing my pickup li — oh, wait, you said *R*ock. Nevermind.

This just gave me a *GREAT* idea for a wifi-enabled butt plug/thermometer. Who's in for a cool million?


I wouldn't exactly call it a lie, but potato-potahto, right?