Limeade Youth

I'll give a few eps a shot. I'm curious how it's going to be set up structurally relative to the movie.

Lack of mashed potatoes?

When you're a famous commenter, they let you do it.

Where IS Dikachu?

Vancent Adultman

Did you lose your way from one of the Trump articles?

Fast Clown 3: Bozo Drift

Did you know? 'Bama is actually short for Talibama.

Ruining the joke: 2 stars.

There's no way they'd get along.

"What's arugula?"
"It's a veg-eh-tah-ble"

I'd always assumed "I got shit on my boots" meant one was from Paris. Or does dog shit not count?

Dorothy was better than that. You are not.

*Unboxes Sheeeeeeeeeeit*

How Fresh Jive ended up with a mouth there the world may never know

There wolf

Hell, they probably don't remember the rapper Snow.

Ingoing or outgoing?

It's the harassment lawsuits.

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