
Everybody, I know what OCD is. I’m sure it’s awful. I’ve been treated for anxiety and depression myself. I still don’t think this sweater is offensive. It’s dumb, yes.

Sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better.

I get that, though those Christians would argue it’s much more serious than you’re implying. I’m just unimpressed by Internet outrage. Sometimes people don’t like me, sometimes people make fun of me or things about me. Oh well. I’m more perplexed that people are saying that they’re “disappointed” in Target.

Is this really offensive? It’s dumb, but seems pretty minor. I feel like this is the progressive person’s equivalent to the Starbucks Christmas cup outrage.

Disagree. Video was cute.

But the Hulk arms are perfection!

Ha, that's cute!

Jesus Christ. This is so gauche and stupid.

Honestly, I like it even less now that I've seen the back! Lol.

Oh, wow. Yeah, don't you need to let them sink in?

I've watched the first two, like, months apart. I don't know when I'll continue them. They're brilliant but so...yuck.

Have you watched that? It's...unsettling.

It's more fun when more people are approved, that's for sure. I wish they'd be more diligent about it. I don't remember when they brought the greys back again; a while ago now. And I'm sure you didn't, it's arbitrary at best!

I have no words for that.

That’s okay, I’ll explain: Some commenters are followed by Jezebel, which makes them pre-approved. So, comments by those people are black right away. If you aren’t followed by Jez, you’re grey until an approved commenter stars or replies to you. It’s surely not the system of my dreams, but I guess they feel it's

It’s so nasal and has a quack like a duck quality. I understand that it might be perceived differently coming from Caitlyn’s mouth, but it was NOT masculine coming from Bruce. The Jenner boys had a long running gag about it on the show, even.

Honestly, I don't like that, either.

That’s BY FAR the worst Lupita has ever looked. That color does nothing for her. I like Vera, Abby Wambach, and Jenna Lyons. And Madeline Albright because, come on, obviously.

This cheesy fucker. Ugh.

Jesus Christ, this is the worst. Like, in all ways.