
Condescending much? A ring and a party...

Well, after what she's been through, who can blame her for wanting a big to do for happy/fun reasons? I mean, of course she should want to marry her specific guy, but I'm just saying.

Aside from how offensive it is to be apparently disgusted by someone being a feminist, that person is rude as fuck. What possesses some people? Say, “Congratulations!” and shut up!

I know, I hope it blows his life apart. No regrets. Fuck him.

God, you all are so practical. I was transfixed by the picture.

Oh, true, true.

Remember all the rumors about him and Khloe? And she was like, he's a great guy! We're friends! Girl, you messed up.

Also, thanks for mansplaining stalking to me. “Just letting you know what the outcome will be.” Fucking barf.

Boo! Cute for all ages!

GTFO. She followed him for a couple of blocks. Some creep does that to me twice a week in the city I live in and, trust me, no cop is going to agree that I’m being stalked.

I love the first half this comment and the gif! Perfect.

Me too. I hope he's sick with anxiety.

No joke, my hands are a little shaky still.

My heart is absolutely pounding watching that. I know it's risky to confront men but good for her and I admire her courage.

Aha! Cute.

Yeah, that's all I assume it was meant for. The pants throw me off a little.

How would you wear it? It’s obviously sexy but, like, it’s pants. I want to wear more lace because I love it but I find it tricky and am looking for insight.

I resent your employer for making the last business day before Halloween “breast cancer awareness day.” Dick move. There was every other say in “Pinktober” for that. You look very charming, though.

I would DIE if I saw you! Perfect!

I generally turn up my goth for Halloween so, yes, I dress up. But it's not a costume.