
??? You starred my comment so...I don't understand.

I’m afraid this one is seeming more tragic all the time. She’s obviously really sheltered and very uninformed, and no one loves her enough to either help her become informed or to tell her to sit down and be quiet.

He and the Rock have wormed their way into my heart, I won't lie.

I'll jump in with you. I've had pretty much 100% competent and effective nurses in my life. Almost every one was patronizing and condescending.

I got the same result and literally said the same thing aloud.


I assumed the post was in jest, but is it really sarcasm? And, like, when a comic tells a bad joke you don’t blame the audience for not laughing. This wasn’t done well.

I would strongly disagree with your characterization of women’s soccer. In the west it may not be extremely progressive, but it’s a big deal in much of the world. Really transgressive. I know that’s not the issue in this story but I had to take issue with that part of your comment.

All true/probable. It just rankles to see mom get all the blame while dad goes unmentioned, even when the mom is Kris Jenner.

Uh, right? My husband is brown with a beard and gets “randomly" selected for additional screening every single time we fly. They're not taking *his* Costco ID, I'm sure of it.

Well, as you say, it’s scripted. Remember the ones with Bruce ranting about smoking and what a disgusting habit it is? Caitlyn smokes 24/7 from the photos, and always has. And it’s the Jenner kids in real life who make those claims about their dad’s parenting.

It's their answers that make it significant. But whatever, you want to pretend you don't get it.

I hope she does. Gets a PhD in Russian Lit or something. Godspeed, Kylie Jenner.

Except that it was a piss poor time to make a joke. These clowns don’t give a shit about women except to tell us what to do with the contents of our uteri, and when they’re asked a question about a token, yet not entirely insignificant acknowledgement of women’s history, all these garbage-headed idiots can say is,

I don’t disagree but I don’t like the inexplicable pass Kylie’s other parent is getting from Bobby. The girl has two of them, you know? And the other one is known to be an awful parent. Maybe that’s the one who signed the consent forms? Kris is a lot of things but she's not the one with the legendarily poor parenting

I don't have a Facebook really (I have one, but it's inactive and I don't know how to awaken it if I wanted to, which I don't) and I don't miss it at all. I also don't know what Jamberry is. I see lots of Jamberry-rage in the comments here, so I say this to show you that no FB means no Jamberries. A Jamberry-free life

All true. No one believes any of it, but it's all true. She looks like a tiny goddess in person and is very nice.

Nah, this is sabotage, not a need to know.

We are soul mates. I completely agree.

Okay, I did. This woman has some kind of dysmorphia. There's no other explanation. He's...not good looking.