
This is such an absurd generalization. Really. Attribute a personality issue to another physical trait and see how offensive it is.

Right? That's false, lady.

That's really cute!

How generous of him. *barf*

I’m so lapsed a Catholic I don’t even think I have any claim to the name, but I feel the same. It’s so embarrassing.

I am so genuinely appalled by this.

You win x 100000000000 and well done.

Lol, same. I was like, “Ugh, I hate that!” but, really, it looks so good.

My 21st was a week later and I thought that was bad! Poor you.

WOW! I want to know more!

I agree, the phones and related stuff is really well done. Just a bit ahead of real life.

I agree, I think he was trying to encourage his people.

In LA I’ve paid about $50, but I go to an old-timey place, not a chic spa. Mine last about 7 weeks before I have new growth, but it’s at least 9 before that growth is long enough to get waxed again. As far as bad things, double dipping, for sure. Non disposable tools, too. I can't think of anything else but maybe I'm

Cheers, yes.

Oh, lol, yes. I wasn't thinking about that.

My city is home to more than a few “massage places” that double as...handjob places (I was looking for a word, but couldn't settle on anything). Does that not happen everywhere? I don't understand why you don't believe those reviews?

I agree! Everybody seems to think she's an awful actress, and I thinks she's perfectly fine in this.

I love this show! I think Halle is pretty good in it (also, she’s the most beautiful person on earth), also I think all her men are really hot. Dead John was hot, and JD is BEYOND hot.

Me too! Grr.

Yeah, I can see that. I think it's pretty!