
Neither. It’s strange to be regularly creeping on your ex’s wife’s FB page, exclusively liking pictures of your ex.

Yeah, it was pretty clearly implied that “vapid idiots” meant “women.” Or I assumed as much given that the most cited example of vocal fry in anti-fry stories is Kim Kardashian.

Actually, it's been common in England for decades! Especially among the upper classes.

I know. I know I know I know. They are spectacularly dumb.

I said something to that effect when the post went up on the TAL episode, pointing out that men use vocal fry too, because it’s part of normal speech, and got NASTY replies from people who insisted that this is not the case, and only vapid idiots use vocal fry.

Uggggghhhhh. I despise that kind of weirdo. Don’t “like” someone else’s marriage! Anyone’s! And especially not your ex’s marriage! My brother in law has an ex like that and I occasionally see her “like” his wife’s photos of him or status updates that involve him. I haven't heard anyone mention anything about it, so I

This sounds like the best erotic fiction ever. Only he's supposed to get over Jesus long enough to ravage you.

Tom Felton is kind of great looking, yeah? Nice job in growing up, Tom.

Totally agree. This is the second Jez post bashing her not-even-aired talk show. Lighten up, folks.

Are those real lyrics? Hahahahahah

I drink Coke like its my religion, but yeah, I was pro-Gawker. The Coke thing was stupid and transparent (“We’ll say we’re cleaning up the Internet! People will like that!”). I don’t mean I’m scandalized, I already know corporations aren’t my friend. But I don’t mind a little absurdist harassment of a multinational

Sorry! Didn’t realize it was a sensitive subject!

Oh, yeah, the Backstreet Boys and stuff. I forgot about them and their ilk! I was out of high school in 1998, so I was too old for all that, I guess. But yeah, it sounds so dated! Funny how things change, I guess.

Is this what pop music sounded like in 2005? Typically? I’ve never heard this (at the time I was doing a phd and on another bitterly cold and miserable planet mentally) but it sounds so dated! I know that was ten years ago but it seems like it’s from another era to me.

I didn't realize it was old and left a comment on it. I was feeling pretty pretty pro-Gawker after reading it, which I assume was the point.

Eh, she's good at this kind of thing, what's the hate for? Too bad Scott won't be there with her, they're pretty funny together.

Is this the douchebag that wrote about not knowing how to braid hair because he's a man?

I guess it's no different than getting married in a church with a cemetery outside. I mean, the dead are right there. I guess my objection is mostly an aesthetic one. Most modern funeral homes are really corporate and, in my opinion, ugly. They're supposed to be understated and work for everybody. But if one were

That’s beautiful! I initially had a negative reaction to this, but now I think it's because of these photos, everything is grey. I hate grey.

Kylie’s Kolony