
This cannot be a real comment.

Oh, come on. I don't believe you.

You've really got the inside scoop here. I'm impressed.

Good vibes to you!

You'd think that having six daughters might have tipped her off though, no?

For all of the effort Caitlyn is putting into the Caitlyn/Bruce dichotomy (Caitlyn: good, honest, pure, kind/Bruce: liar, bad parent, selfish), I think it’s apparent that she is no more likable than he was. Still selfish, still a narcissist. I’m interested to see how it will play out as time goes by.

She and Khloe call each other/themselves KiKi and KoKo or Keeks and Kokes. Yes, I know it from watching the show and yes, I’m aware that possession of this knowledge reflects poorly on me.

Also, can someone with a dissenting opinion get out of the greys? It's like an echo chamber in here.

I kind of get what she means, or what I think she means. I don’t think she’s saying that rape is okay or becomes okay because you were naked with a man. I think she’s saying that getting into bed naked with a man is implied consent. And that withdrawing consent can result in a range of outcomes, including hurt

I commented about the costuming choice for the VF shoot and was called a TERF by a fellow commenter.

Yes, I know. I laughed because I was thinking of the movie Bruce did with the Village People.

He tried out for the lead role in the film Superman, which was too much of a stretch without any acting experience, although Jenner was actually one of the great actors of our time.

Let’s not get carried away. Caitlyn is 67, I believe, and looks it, face lifts and Photoshop notwithstanding.

That's all womanhood is about, don't you know? Being in your underwear.

I’m a fledgling runner myself and I'd bet money you're trying to run too fast. Just a tip!

Lol, animal abuse? WTF?

I love receiving flowers and often get them from my husband and parents. I really find having them in the house to be uplifting. I also love antique jewelry and have been fortunate to have received a few pieces as gifts. I guess I’m particular to pretty things. This is not because I’m a woman, though. I can’t think of

I AM DYING! You win, you win, you win!

That’s amazing! I miss the early 90s.

I read this post four times looking for dates. :( Seasons of the year aren't dates.