
I think there were flowers on mine but I honestly can't remember! I got married just before everybody took pictures of everything and I guess this is what life used to be like: you forgot things. I'm sure there must be a picture of it somewhere, but I don't know for sure.

That's the new Jezebel though, right?

Agreed. And I posted elsewhere that I actually can do all of the lady stuff, and choose to do the ones that I like. Just like everything else, like I do like asparagus but not Brussels sprouts, and I run and do yoga but don't ballet dance. I consider none of this a failure on my part. And????

A good rule for most faces (not that you can’t do it differently but you won’t look crazy this way) is to follow a straight line out from your nostril and a straight line down from the outer corner of your eye, and put the blush there. A dash up on your forehead at your hairline can be very naturally fresh looking,

I see what you mean about privilege in that regard; point taken.

Posts like this are meant to draw the “I’m not high maintenance” or “I don’t waste time on stuff like this” comments, I know, but I’ll say for the record that I find it tedious and a downer. The comments read like a competition (“I can’t wear heels!” “I can’t even wear flats, I only wear Converse!”) and it crosses

F21 is Asian American owned and the customer base is middle class at most. None of that strikes me as “privileged.” I saw someone else refrence F21 as being emblematic of “white america.” I don't see that either.

I can do all of these things. My tastes change as I go through life (example: I used to wear eyeliner religiously, now I never wear it; I used to dye my hair, now I don't), and I have certain “feminine things” that are so a part of how I see myself that I feel strange without them, like perfume, jewelry, and long

My point was that I don’t think the clientele has much to offer in terms of raising awareness or contributing support. They’re kids.

Isn’t F21’s primary clientele teen girls, too?

Seriously, WTF?!

American Eagle has high waist skinnies and flares in different inseams online.

Maybe try a relationship with an emotionally mature adult?

Yeah, I'm sure she hurt his feelings pretty badly. Of course she's not supposed to continue having sex if she doesn't want to, but that doesn't mean he's not feeling really bad about himself and embarrassed.

I love this and totally agree.

He’s such a horrible bully, no matter what he tells himself bout being “reformed.” I actually empathized with Kris, and good for her to tell Perez to fuck off.

I so believe this.

First thought: Most people seem to have a better impression of me than I do of myself, so no need to mess that up!

Absolutely. For instance, I don’t want my husband to see me the way I see myself. I much prefer how he sees me!

So beautiful!