
Just ordered, thanks!

I enjoyed this very much!

Oh, I hope I can see this in LA!

Where's my friend Scott Scanlon Goes Country? This gives me major Color Me Badd vibes and David Silver would love this. Also, 1991, I don't miss you.

This is exactly why I don't watch GoT. Can read it, can't watch it.

Team vasectomy here! It was the best thing to happen to me (via someone else, I mean, as I have no balls).

I posted about my negative copper IUD experience downthread, if you'd like to read it. It's in the greys.

My periods have always been bad (terrible pain, diarrhea, nausea) and they were unchanged on the pill. After a few years off the pill my periods are not the total nightmare they once were, but I attribute that to aging. I’m 34 now. No pregnancies.

I’ll share my BCP detox story:

Last week I rejected the advances of a man while waiting to cross the street. I rejected him because 1) I am not interested 2) I am married. And, while I wasn't rude to him, I didn't take the time to coddle his feelings because 1) I was returning from visiting my dying mother and was exhausted in all ways and 2) I

I've never even seen an episode myself! Just never caught my interest.

My dad won't watch it either, for similar reasons, though he was only about ten years younger than Don. He says that he finds the show unbearably depressing, and "why would I want to go back there?!" I thought it was interesting he felt that way.

Sounds safe! Good luck!

Do you have a short ceremony? Mine was 10 minutes and I just straight up starved until it was over because your stomach and mine sound like sisters. It wasn't ideal but sure as hell beats the alternative.

This is NOT accurate! Tap water is much, much, much more strictly regulated and treated than bottled water. Really! Bottled water is largely unregulated, meaning you have no idea what's in it.

I drink green juice every day. It's the most California thing about me, I think.

Fair enough.

Isn't he making money off of that? He's no hostage.

I wore a knee-length dress from Nordstrom to my wedding, and someone who hugged me afterward got some seriously brown bronzer on my sleeve. I noticed it, but figured there was nothing to be done for it at that moment and took care to shift my arm out of the pictures. One of my new sisters in law felt compelled to