
How cool! I think both girls seem so normal and snarky which, to me, which reflects well on their parents. I vote for NYU, Malia!

For what it's worth, I don't think it's because you're a man, I think it's because it's really unpleasant to think about. But the thing is, it's not just a principle, I'm defending a woman's absolute right to control her very self. Always. I'm saying that I will not concede that there is any situation in which it is

I'd never seen him in anything before The Place Beyond the Pines and I LOVED that film—even with Bradley Cooper's weasel face—and then I saw Drive and thought that was pretty great, too. I was surprised to find out that Ryan Gosling (pretty boy of memes and shit) does a great blank eyed sociopath. I find it

Yes, I would defend that position, because to not defend it opens the door to absolutely crazy distinctions about when an adult human has the right to determine what goes on inside her body and when she doesn't. And to say that there are situations in which an independent person's rights are secondary to the "rights"

I get that you're uncomfortable with the comment about fetal viability being bullshit, but do you really have a problem with the idea that a woman's physical autonomy always trumps the fetus' "rights?"

Yes, exactly! Abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy is the only position that respects women's bodily autonomy. I realize that I am only saying what you've already said, but I feel so strongly about it that I had to!

Me too! Mine's a Frenchman.

Respectfully, no way.

It really does say that. I like it, though.

I had a city hall wedding in a short dress and over the years I've begun to feel like even that was too fussy. I think these looks are pretty chic, too—definitely not marathon or mountain hike-appropriate.

Eh, I like it. Especially the second picture with the Coco-inspired pearls.

This is my dream lifestyle.


That's one way to look at it, haha.

I wanted to love these books, but I just couldn't get into the series when I read it a few (six?) years back. I think I liked the first one and then got crazy bored with the second and third. Is the show fun even if I felt that way about the source material?

I adore Kanye. He's creative and a narcissist and wants all of us to be our best creative, narcissistic selves. I hope you get a croissant today, Kanye.

People with a little bit of authority are always the very worst.

I agree with every point you've made here. Yolanda is the best, her children are fantastic looking, Cody Simpson is nobody, Kendall in a veil is the worst.

I completely agree. I think she's fun.

Lol, true, she manages not to affect a Quasimodo gait.