
Right? I thought she was like 58

Now playing

By the way...can we talk about this video? Peak!Chris with dreds and peak!problematic ‘90s shit lol.

Also Rachel Bloom was has always been, and will forever be, awful.

This entertains me more than it should.

This is what baby daddies are supposed to do. I had to have food shoveled into my face while nursing too.

Good on you, Dwayne. Lordy, I remember nursing my babies and feeling the energy just drain out of me. It would have been amazing to have someone feeding me at the same time!

Thank God someone who will tell it like it is. I’ve never watched her show before but her backstage banter was like nails on a chalkboard.

Good to know what we was like as a kid so we can know exactly what he’s like now. You’re the same person as when you were 7, right? How does today’s glue taste?

Welcome to Jezebel, home of the half formed thought.

> elementary school

Then why did he pay for my friend’s kidney transplant 5 years ago? SHE was a crew member from How I Met Your Mother. Assholes don’t do that...they do however assassinate people’s character anonymously on the internet....

Uh, maybe let’s hold off on criticizing people until they are out of 5th grade? I’m sure your friends have gotten a lot of mileage out of the “I knew Neil Patrick Harris when he was 8" story but I don’t know that it really fits here.

Barring anything catastrophic happening, no. I don’t think it’s possible.

This headline is BS. How he responded was amazing for the time! He accepted and loved Clemmons for who he was but he knew the sponsors wouldn’t and he told them that. It was 19 fucking 68!?!? What do you expect? Rodgers accepted him 100% for who he was. Washed his feet with him in a time where white people were

I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but it was the 1960s. Rogers was a socially progessive man living in a society full of inequality. It sounds like Rogers had nothing but love and acceptance for Clemmons and he did the best he could for Clemmons. Are there any other people from the past you want to criticize

Not only did he invite Clemmons to soak his feet in the same pool, when they were done, Rogers picked up a towel and dried off Clemmons feet.

Goddammit, Rogers, you beautiful bastard.

Because of course you have to try to find *something* wrong with Fred Rogers. This site is fucking dogshit.
