America needs to have a referendum about when women must show skin and when they cannot
America needs to have a referendum about when women must show skin and when they cannot
“Does anyone care about Saturday Night Live anymore?” Said the person who read an article about Saturday Night Live, then decided to take the time to make a comment on said article.
When ever i see those shows I wonder how do they poop? Do they never do taco night and need more than one bathroom?
I get anxiety just thinking about it. I saw one where they had a little baby and a loft bed and all I could think was, how the fuck are you going to get up and down from there with a baby in your arms?
That’s an amazing/horrible chandelier.
I live in a city with a high cost of living, and the district does not pay well. The school board is considering a proposal to build a development of tiny houses. The idea is that they will them to teachers. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Oh my god, I watched an episode where a couple had THREE KIDS. What. WHAT EVEN.
Also, I don’t understand the reason for Tiny House Big Living. I mean, who wants to live in such a confining space, especially with another person?
If you have a minute, can you do a favor for a fellow Jezebel? I am part of a group that is bringing health services and nutrition to the orphanages of Nepal, employing Nepali nurses to track the progress of the children. After the earthquake, we became a formal organization and are bringing in Plumpy Sup, a…
Ticketmaster/Stubhub is legit one of the worst things that ever happened to live entertainment. It’s a hellspawn of supply/demand models that screws over everybody. Im glad LMM and the Hamilton producers are trying to take it on.
The Cancellation Line Policies seem legitimate to me. Especially that if you get the tickets you must then proceed into the show...
Wow, she really is entering her Miss Havesham phase, isn’t she? “Look here, Pip: these low-cut Frankie B jeans accompanied me to many a society soirée in days gone by. I was the toast of the ball. Everyone envied me. I danced and danced. I looked so pretty in them. Here! Here’s a photo of me. Do you think I look…
She is too rich and young to have the same hair since 2006.
I just...the subject was curly hair, and she was trying to prove she has naturally curly hair. She could have used the same damn picture, and just said, “Here is a picture of me in 1971, dressed as a person in 1971, and as you can see, my hair is curly,” and I never even would have been the wiser. Why did she need to…
What you deem laziness, I call “better things to do with my time than mess with my hair”.
Or we could just not care.
“...naturally curly hair is making a comeback” - oh goody for us. We get to be “in” for a short time until everyone goes back to what men like. Which is usually long and not judged “wild.” Surveys have shown that people peg curly haired women (especially WOC) as “easy” in first impressions. Bad hair/don’t care.
Looks like a proper 70s Jew-fro to me, and I’ve had a natural afro.
You’re only as old as you feel!!!