Lily St. Regis

That isn’t the worst it’s looked:

And then we take a shower. And maybe cry for a second. That was fucking brutal for one woman to do to another.

Hello all,

Two days ago he was slightly West of Boulder...maybe he’s digging a moat.

It’s more than a little bit selfish. It’s ENORMOUSLY selfish. Saddling this poor kid with elderly parents from the get-go. Parents who will, in all likelihood, become frail and then die before he reaches adulthood.

God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he will take care of everything

I don’t think that’s an equivalent comparison. Men and women can have and enjoy sex for decades after age 60. Sex doesn’t only happen for the sole purpose of recreation.

that one’s me... cuteness overload :) i’m having a dog

Riding a pair of crazes, my partner and I threw a Hamilton-themed gender reveal party. We hired two local urchin children to participate in the reveal and dressed them in blue- and pink-tinted period garb. After an acai bowl brunch, our guests gathered in the courtyard. Both children – the boy child playing Alexander

I’m just having everyone who wants to know pay me $5. Including my husband.

Oh, Kimmay...

are the pictures of the girls being all spazzy and wobbly for anyone else? or did i really have a rage stroke from the earlier news today and my vision is damaged?

Is there any such thing as negative chemistry? Because these two had less than zero.

Next will be a 9-month required waiting period.

They’ll be back together in a week

Momager realized: Little one and Tiger “romance” won’t beat Rob/Chyna baby in ratings

Are you Art Vandelay?!

“Hey, one of those Gawker dweebs is asking if we listen in on Amazon Echo.”

“The fuck is an Amazon Echo?”

(Googles it)

“Oh man, that’s a great idea...”