

Being a fan of both book and anime, I really loved the pilot. Really captures the spirit of the novel. And the girl is so good! Not an easy task to sound genuine while chatting all the time as Anna does, and this actress manages to do it splendidly.

Aziz, damn you, in Italy we know about dating apps. 😅 (This is related to ep 5 though. Sorry, saw 3 in a row.)

Oh sure, it wasn't bad. It's still a believable picture of Italy after all, with a realistic mix of traditional and modern.

The concept of me time isn't alien to Italians and it's strange that Francesca is puzzled by it. Maybe she's just meant as an extrovert character who likes spending her free time with others…

It's not right to simply call her "nonna" though, she is a professional pastamaker who still runs her own shop, not some granny who cooks for her family.

I've never heard that about Italian policemen! I wondered where it came from. :-)

I wouldn't say amazing, but it was quite good. His accent was funny but almost always intelligible.

I agree. He gets a pass because he's likable.

I'm Italian, so I had the same concerns as you. I'm glad the episode wasn't too heavy on stereotypes (and that the natives really spoke Italian, which isn't to be taken for granted on tv shows). But it didn't add anything new to the old fantasy of faraway country where everything is slower, nicer, sunnier. Modena…

The spelling is with the double N. I'm from the North of Italy but I don't think we say "nona"… maybe it sounds like that to a foreigner. :-)

I watch it with my boyfriend. Religiously!

I'll add "Dave" to lighten the mood.

Yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure *Hannah* made that equation ;-)

Oh, okay. But why? I mean, I guess you can base the grade more on the creative aspect and still correct grammar mistakes.

As a book editor (in Italian, so pleas no judge if me make mistake english) these talks about not following grammar rules = more freedom and creativity irritate me to no end. Learn every corner of your language, *that* will give you the tools to express yourself at best. Ignorant doesn't mean free.

It's not "done up", it's the heavy make-up plus the wig. She doesn't look like this IRL. The MU artists on this season didn't do her a favour.

She's wearing a wig.

The Rolling Stone cover represents the dream of many.