Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

Oh and I did wanna say that in my pussy of pussies, this will be the generation that makes sure abortion stays legal.

This is so disturbing. Aside from blaming the Evangelicals for electing these people into office, there is an entire generation of us who grew up taking abortion for granted. When we were born, Roe v Wade made it legal. We slept on it and now its our responsibility to make sure that abortion is a choice for women in

Mike Pence is the epitome of the problem in this nation - rich white men think they know better about the lives of LGBTQ citizens and women. They have no right. The Christianity practiced by most of these people is the antithesis of the man on which the religion is based. Jesus Christ was about accepting and loving

As head of Trump’s transition team, and as someone who lied about Mike Flynn, Pence is fucked too.

Mike Pence is the reason I’m ambivalent about cheering on the ‘trump is going to get impeached! hooray!’ crowd. -then what-!? Prez. Pence? agh

You liberals and your fake news. Cheeseburger, maybe, but Trump is definitely not a taco guy.

Not sure. The one I’m referring to replied to me, but I dismissed it.

Wow. The dipshit in the grays thought I meant that the WHITE race would come back around, before mentioning Wakanda.

Just the straps, right?

Chucklefuck clearly knows only one thing in this world that is objectively true, and that is that she has precisely zero other job prospects in life.


Do they have bootstraps in South Africa? Asking for a friend...

Ted should wear that wig more often.

Now playing

Yep! Part of the “Don’t Start None, Won’t Be None” corollary! And it ain’t hard!

I’ve got a white Angolan family member. The last time we were over at their place, he was lamenting the loss of large chunks of the land his family had lived on for a long time (I think they were Boers, but don’t quote me). They weren’t being displaced, it’s just that “their” land was being appropriated (this was a

No. He’s not.