Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

How did he catch the mic?!?!?

Two people whose writings about Florida I enjoy reading: Carl Hiaasen, and Dave Barry.

I’m convinced the special blend of Florida insanity comes when the rich city money is brought in almost entirely by non-natives and plunked down into what is essentially an extended redneck swamp. You get the inequality/class/culture conflict x100 and you end up with faces getting eaten.

I did and in 2016 I had literally no democrat congresspeople to vote for because there was no senate seat up and democrats didn’t even bother to put up a candidate for the house.

Not to be rude but you can tell she’s not black by the way she’s aging.

Netflix really is handing out specials and documentaries (in this case a mockumentary) to anybody.

Please live blog it please live blog it please live blog it please live blog it...

Tío Eduardo Rafael. And only talk to him in Spanish. Hypocrite sellout.

That’s hilarious and sad at the same time. I hope the rest of the family treats you better...

That’s hilarious. If I ever in my heart of hearts find that I am gay, I will be sure to have my partner to write out any check requests. Currently, my wife is not allowed anywhere near the checkbook. She proved early on that she is too soft for the vultures.

So, with the Africans, how much of that is legit is good money and how much of that is blood money? Look, we’ve got a lot of blood wealth in this country; so I know the ratio in countries with even fewer regulations ain’t lookin’ good.

I wish I’d learned both of those rules wayyyy earlier than I did.

A rule my father taught me long ago that has served me well into adulthood:

Now, I ain’t sayin’ she a vibranium digger...

I put the blame on the likes of Ebony, taking advantage of the heritage of the black community. “Aww come on, you going to rat out a black publication, sister/brother? We in this together, fam! I get atcha when I can, you understand, right?”

Sounds like a stain remover or a bowel remedy.

News flash, EVERYBODY thought it was pronounced la-tinks. (a) Because that’s how it’s spelled. Jinx, minx, latinx. And (b) because nobody has ever heard anybody actually say it out loud, because it’s not used outside of the web.

Pronounce it Latinish. That way the X actually kind of fits and is a tribute to the Meso-American languages.

Did she think it was like