Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

Same. Food drive means giving food people want or need to eat, not your stale pasta and old cans of asparagus spears. It’s bad enough you can only give nonperishables(so high in sodium, usually) so stuff you’re sick of looking at should be off the table. It’s easy to just double up most of your grocery list and put

I’m glad we have someone architecting North Korea.

Well, you know, there is that empty 100 story, unfinished hotel in NK that would look really nice with a huge TRUMP sign on it. No on can convince me that he doesn’t think about having that.

I don’t see how this is any different from being a part of the decision-making apparatus to determine whether to fire Gary Busey or LaToya Jackson, and I didn’t hear you complaining then, hypocrite.

“North Korea, we imposed today the heaviest sanctions ever imposed by our country before. And frankly, hopefully, something positive can happen. We will see, but hopefully, something positive, well see. That just was announced and I wanted to let you know.”

This fucking woman.

Me, on the far left, after reading this headline.


Can totally confirm. The principle of giving what you don’t need to charity should, to any decent person, imply that it’s something that’s still very useful but if you ever have to sort through donations in a lot of churches, they’re absolute junk. Outdated clothes, stained clothes, house linens that reek of moth

I became aware of the “objectivity” when news papers always had to quote right wing evangelical organizations (Family Research Council, Moral Majority etc) when reporting on LGBT issues. Because somebody hates you does not make them some valid source of an equal viewpoint to quote. We do have a disavantage of trying

The first sentence is an implied threat of assassination; the second, blackmail. He’s saying the Chinese government will use this hotel to create more leverage over Western leaders in various fields with Kremlin-esque pee tapes.

believed Barack Obama scaled the walls of Trump Towers to plant listening devices

Smith’s work for members of Congress has been entered into the Congressional Record

The national security professional’s bible.

Full disclaimer: I attended Xavier University for undergrad and NYU for grad school. I am glad that Miss Harris is feeling empowered via social media and whatnot, but I really need her to examine the much bigger picture in this 3D chess game. NYU is a magical, yet contradictory, place to learn, but Miss Harris is

yeah, my college did a pretty good job of this 15 years ago.

“If you [want] to learn how to celebrate black history and culture during this month you can ask black students at this school instead of patronizing us with Koolaid, watermelon and ribs,” Harris wrote.