Lily Bart's Gambling Debt

This. Because professionalism.

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“Half my synagogue congregation is made up of Cruzes, Holmes and Lanzas” said no Jew ever

+1 Sarah

“Manafort apparently received the payment in December 2016 and January 2017"

At least everything he said was genuine and heartfelt.

Imagine how much bullshit would be cut out if employers were to become disassociated with healthcare.

This is what happens when all of the candidate’s friends tell them they voted for them but didn’t.

I guess Trump missed the memo where -Alito- kicked this back to PA, wisely dodging a Constitutional crisis? They already tried fighting to the Supreme Court! SCOTUS wouldn’t hear it!

These kids need to start suing for defamation and libel. NOW.

Honestly, that whole family is a house of horrors.

I always assumed that this particular phenomenon was a guy thing...? When women’s clothes get too tight, they say “oh crap, looks like I gained weight”. Men say “Somebody shrunk my shirts! The manufacturers changed the sizes! I’ll sue that bitch laundromat and those savage Chinese shirtmakers!!” ^^

Does Trump and O’Reilly share a doctor.

We need to make voting easier in this country. This founder-era notion of leaving the house on a Tuesday in November is complete bullshit.

Any mention of Bill O’Reilly’s “Tip of the day” is just an excuse to use his master class self own.

Michael Harriot - LIVE - from the floor of CPAC 2018!

The rare James Madison shade. +1 burning White House

I’m surprised Jefferson didn’t get Madison to take his walks for him.

Don’t forget the crypt keeper:

5. There are many men who are awkward and not good conversationalists.