such a good quip.
such a good quip.
David Boreanaz?
My only problem is her holier-than-thou attitude and the fact that they have a Donation page on their website so people can fund their Victorian life. Do they have regular jobs? She said she’s a licensed massage therapist, and he has a Library Science degree (so do I, coincidentally), but it doesn’t say anything about…
It’s amazing how every time we find an intermediate fossil, the number of gaps in the fossil record seems to increase. Nature is truly a miracle.
Unless you can document every single intervening ancestor between me and this specimen, I refuse to accept that evolution is real.
How cool!
Fuck her for her judgey attitude about modern life.
More people don't follow their dreams because they can't afford to you twit.
The best was how she recycled the article for that thirsty, thirsty Vox bump (I also loved the link to donate to their life via PayPal button on their website)
I don’t really get the hate. Are we mocking the way this woman dresses? Or just that she has a hobby you dislike? Sure, the “believe in yourself” mantra is a little privileged and silly, but that describes every yoga instructor or and half the artists I’ve ever met.
I applaud the sentiment but I admit I cringed at “I, as a Christian”. Who cares? How about “I, as a human”. Just so damn sick of God stuff in politics
Plus it sounds like they were talking about pulling the plug. That....isn't self administered, which is the actual topic being discussed.
Yeah. plus, removal from life support is not the same issue as assisted suicide. My cousin was shot in the head, survived on life support, was thought to be a lost cause, then had a miraculous recovery. That does happen. But to compare that to someone with a terminal illness makes no sense.
It was absolutely unintentional. Also, it was about 3 seconds of a transitional set, in a 10 minute show. This whole situation is ridiculous.
yeah, i agree it kinda looks like frank n’ beans (or chorizo con huevos, if you prefer), but it also looks like the USS Enterprise so why tf are they being fined?
According to AP, school is leving the fine on itself, basically to avoid action from conference.
Theoretically the fine is being levied not because of the supposed genitalia but because the band was making fun of a rival’s mascot (not even the rival of the team they were playing, which probably would have been fine, but another team entirely), thus “poor sportsmanship.”
uh, speaking from the perspective of cock ownership, this is not a cock.
No, it’s an important point to make. You do realize that to receive and qualify for state/federal funds, an organization has to document and show where those funds are going and what they are being used to pay for. PP has to show where it’s allocating those funds and they can’t, under the Hyde Amendment, go toward…