
Damn. I’m impressed. He could have winged it like a lot of celebrity books do, but it sounds like he put real thought and hard work into it.

I just did the Buffy/Angel binge this summer. Now I’m deep in the comics.

I died a little inside when I read that. And my legs are itching now.

I applaud your bravery and the funny article. I particularly liked “The art team hunched over like cats do when you turn on the blender too close to them.”

Vanilla Mint Chapstick ftw. I have a tube in my purse at all times, one on my computer desk and one on my bathroom counter. I use mine multiple times a day, all year round. I have never had chapped lips in my adult life. Yay, soft lips!

Personally, I have a complex about this. When I was young and really invested in one of my relationships, I used to tell my boyfriend at the time that I would love him “forever.” Well, we broke up eventually because that happens sometimes, especially when you’re nineteen. He posted a heartbroken note online about how

Nitpick time! That line is from a different episode than the bomb defusal on the airship. It’s from season 2, episode 2, when Archer is trying to break into Malory’s desk drawer in her office.

He’s just trying to bow at people, and he keeps accidentally face-planting in their boobs. It totally happens all the time!

“...Marcy repeatedly engaged in inappropriate behavior with students, including unwanted massages, kisses, and groping.”

The Weight Watchers dark chocolate raspberry bars are really good. It’s hard to find straight-up raspberry ice cream like that. Delish.

I think the title is just poorly worded.


Vaguely relevant anecdote:

My guess is because the last two presidential races featured Republicans that were pretty normal conservatives (McCain, Romney) and those didn’t turn out so hot for the Republicans. They know they can’t win against Hillary (calling it now, she’s getting the nom because of recognition, even though I’m for Bernie), so

Starred for Supernatural reference.

Thank you for that link. If I’d been drinking anything, it’d have come out of my nose.

He better never wear one of those “Kiss me, I’m Irish” shirts or the stampede will be brutal.

I haven’t seen it yet. I’m on the wait list for it at my library. Yes, I’m one of the four people in America with a library card.

Yeah, similar concepts. The self-doubt is insidious.

He looks like the terrifying leader of one of the mega-corps from Shadownrun (cyberpunk, dystopian RPG).