Yeah. I accidentally ruined gummy bears for a friend that way. She didn’t know what gelatin was when I said that they aren’t suitable for vegetarians. She threw them in the garbage after I told her. =(
Yeah. I accidentally ruined gummy bears for a friend that way. She didn’t know what gelatin was when I said that they aren’t suitable for vegetarians. She threw them in the garbage after I told her. =(
I <3 u
Psh. Jeb Bush is the hot one.
I felt the same way at first, but I guess I am kind of afraid of the devil.
I have to know what favorite color you picked. Did you pick “blood” like I did?
I got Huckabee too.
I picked The Holiday because of Jack Black.
Why the fuck don’t people know what “freedom of religion” means? No one is forcing you to not practice your religion or to practice their religion instead of yours. You are free to meditate, pray, worship, observe, etc, in any way that you like. Nothing described in this case or the Kim Davis case counts as a…
Holy crap. That is awesome.
I think it’s unrelated the their scratching instinct. They don’t scratch when they’re bored, they scratch to mark something with their scent. I think they are doing it to see if the thing will then run when it hits the floor so they can chase it.
I have a theory on this. Usually when they knock stuff off a surface, it is prey-sized. I think they do it to see if the object will continue moving when it hits the floor, so they can chase it. You will sometimes see the same behavior when a cat is ground level with someone sitting still. They will watch it for a…
Three words: Birds of Prey
Surprisingly, Rubio, Christie, and Walker all essentially conceded that climate change exists. They just don’t want us to do anything about it.
I think it can be refreshing too. A protagonist is not necessarily a good guy or someone you root for. There are other ways to explore humanity in the arts than by always setting up the dichotomy of good versus evil, or something similar. Life is complicated.
This is a cool image, but it’s too bad that someone misspelled “privilege.” =/
It was mostly my way of making fun of them without actually replying to their dumb posts. But thanks for the props. And the (I’m assuming) Hellsing ref in your username.
That look you get when you realize the people you’re socializing with disagree with all your views...
Burninatoring is up in your thread doing the worst trolling ever. And elsewhere as well. /yawn