
Denying accusations is damn near just a part of doing business any longer, sadly.”

Elon is probably not a racist”.

I used to work at Tesla at the fremont factory. Not on the assembly line, but still I spent enough time in the plant to get the vibe. What happens is that shift leaders from one race/ethnicity, e.g. Vietnamese, vacuums up all of the native Vietnamese speakers (which makes sense). Then this happens for the Spanish

The other day he said something like it was time for a necessary self-detoxification of society. That’s some straight Mein Kampf level nationalism/otherism. Stuff like that is how 11 million people were murdered in the holocaust. 

Hell, just read some of the latest “manifestos” put out ny Putin, or listen to any of his latest speeches. They all read and hear like they’ve been taken straight from Mien Kampf or any one of Hitler’s national speeches leading up to the invasion of Poland and thus the start of WW2. Talk about fascist Nazism.

Narcissists typically don’t. They’re a hodgepodge of defense mechanisms making up the shell of a person.

Elon doesn’t have a personality.

Exactly. In no way is this ‘just another old Ford’, or even ‘just another old Custom car’. I wasn’t born until 17 years after this car was built, and I was born on the other side of the world, but as soon as I read the headline to this story I immediately thought “Hirohata Merc’. I can’t think of a single Lead Sled

Very fitting for a Scat Pack.

It doesn’t matter if he is the biggest drug dealer in all of Ohio. It doesn’t matter if he was on his way to read Winnie The Pooh to blind transgender orphans.

I 100% think k-9s should be removed from law enforcement but for explosives detection. Dogs are such an obvious infringement of the constitution.

EDIT: responded to the wrong guy.

You don’t get it do you?  People have the right to be treated with dignity, especially when confronted by government representatives.  Police should be held to a much higher standard than thugs, which is what these “officers” appeared to be.

This whole scenario stinks like a pig farm in August. First there’s a great deal of case law covering traffic stops that greatly limits both duration and activities allowed. Since the foundational one is Terry v. Ohio these clowns can’t claim ignorance. The whole dragging the paraplegic out of the car seems like some

I pay $120k for car, I want rolling night club.

He had documentation of where the money came from, that the cops admitted looked good.

People not trusting banks is probably a weird idea to most, but it’s not an especially rare idea, nor that suspicious on its own. Especially if the people in question aren’t white. The Root has plenty of stories about POC having the cops called on them because the bank teller thought their deposit or withdrawal amount

I’m here for this and I brought both a pitchfork and a torch.

Nobody talks shit about the Cactus!

Lidar can certainly work in precipitation. You need the right wavelengths.