
Erlendur does have a really punchable face…

That was a really nice touch.

Overall, I am little disappointed with the season. I think it suffered by being too bogged down with plot. That being said, I think there are a lot of really interesting story-lines to work with for season four. The acting was phenomenal as usual, and the sets and filming were visually dynamic. No matter what,

I know, I know, it just seems like a lot of time is spent there so we can see Ecbert hitting on Judith for some reason! I try to understand that it is setting up for what is going to happen later, buuuuuut it is so frustrating every time it cuts away from the action in Paris to Wessex or Kattegat!

1. So…. Are we thinking Ragnar will fake his death to infiltrate the city (sort of like what Bjorn supposedly did/does in Luna)?
2. This Wessex story-line better have an amazing payoff later on for as much time we seem to have wasted there.
3. "Oh, Erlendur’s alive. So that’s still a thing"

I just recently started watching Justified and I love Olyphant in it. Now I can see why!

You are right, but I still do not like it! :)

I actually didn't like that sentence from the Law Giver either! I very specifically remember watching it the first time and laughing because it was so strange!
The writing is generally really good and I know I would be terrible at it, so I can definitely live with a few choppy sentences here and there, though!

The opening scene and the music was some of the most exciting this season! Loved the battle in episode three, too.

I kind of got that vibe too when Ragnar had Floki take command. Sort of like a "You got a problem with how I do things? The you try it." Sort of thing. Of course, if it was successful, he would be happy, but deep down he suspected it would be much more difficult than other people realize.

Same. I know it is sort of nitpicky, but it just sounded so wrong! Too… James Bond Villiany?

This episode was so exciting! Little dialogue, lots of action sequences that speak more than words. Definitely the most entertaining battle for me so far, although I do love the first beach scene from season one.

affect! :)

I thought it looked sort of like Disney World.

It isn't necessarily that I don't like seeing the vikings in other countries - that is the best part! The king's court-drama is just boring to me when there is no Ragnar there. I am sure this episode was necessary in setting up the next three episodes and season four, it just isn't one I am going to watch over and

That wouldn't be so terrible, if that is what they are doing! It is a minor complaint. It just seemed strange that it was suddenly part of the their lexicon when before it wasn't.
I am just going to pretend this is what they are saying/meaning when they say "Viking", even if they are not because I like it better.

If you look up princess gisla, I believe there is 1000 year old spoiler of who she marries! ;)

Aww man… Now I am sad.

Asluag's response of "What does it matter what you call yourself?" made me think they were using the term to identify themselves or something. And then, like KWhoa said, Torvi told Bjorn "I'm Viking," last week when he said she had courage.
It just seems strange and a little cheesy after avoiding using the word for

Yeah, I got the same vibe. I was really worried she was going to hurt the baby the whole time. I just wanted Aslaug to take it from her.