
What I think Hirst is trying to do is show how through exploration and discovery and not just "raiding", Rangar has united his people, making them proud of their heritage, religion, and culture. What started out as raiding and terrorizing monasteries and churches has become full scale attacks terrorizing entire cities

One thing that is weird to me… The show NEVER used the word "viking" ever and now… suddenly they are. I don't feel like actual vikings would ever refer to themselves as "Viking".
It is a nitpick, but it make me flinch every time (which has been a total of like, three times so far).

I don't get how Wessex is not worried about Ragnar teaming up with Mercia. I guess they don't know he knows about them destroying his settlement, but wouldn't he find out eventually, or did he plan to not check up on it at all?

Same here. Just invade it already, and I won't be mad, promise!

Completely agree, Dennis. Too much time spent on non-Vikings for me and it made the episode drag. My hope is that this is just some table-setting for a fast-paced final three episodes!
I wonder if they will even have time to address the Wessex betrayal… Maybe Paris will only be one episode and the final two will deal

I think the next episode we see Lagertha make her power play. There was a scene they leaked where she basically said "I will lead the attack, and you will shut the hell up," to Kalf and Rangar was just like all amused in the background.
I think Rangar doesn't really believe in titles, but that the strongest and

I am actually really intrigued to see Fimmel in a rom/com. His comedic timing on Vikings is excellent, so I think he could be pretty good!

I don't play video games or know anything really about the game, but I would probably watch that movie just because of that man. As I understand it, he is the main guy and kicks a lot of ass, so I am sure he will be great!

Fimmel is so good.
Give this man an EMMY!

Torvi is Georgia Hirst! Now I don't feel so bad for getting her confused with Helga so much!

Was anyone else clutching their ear for awhile after that scene? I didn't even realize I was doing it until the middle of the commercial break!

I have the feeling Ragnar is about to go to a pretty dark place. He doesn't trust anyone, his marriage is crumbling, his settlement failed, Kalf and his goons are conspiring against him…
Ragnar always seems to be in charge or at least have a plan and enough charisma to make it work. It is sort of a nice change of pace

Oh, oooh, aaaand Ragnar is a grandpa now!

Oh! And reading the line and remembering how Ragnar said it, “What do you mean born again…like a baby?" cracks me up every time!

Ragnar had a very strong episode across the board: comedy, cold-blooded killing, love, betrayal. Athelstan's death hurts us because it hurts Ragnar, even though we just saw him straight up strangle a guy.
An interesting parallel between the English and Vikings cultures with regard to the cheating wife. The English, who

I totally forgot about this! I bet you are right!

In Scandinavia, the word for "bear" is "Bjorn." Not sure what this means, but I feel like it is too much of a coincidence to not mean anything.

Literal lol. From what little I have gathered about Fimmel as a person based on the behind the scenes looks and interviews and stuff, it wouldn't really surprise me!

They had sex in the pee!