
oh, and poor sigurd has about had it was asluag's nonsense! i cannot remember exactly what he said, but it was an epic burn, especially from like, a five-year-old.

I do not think I have ever spoke to myself more than I have this episode. When the Finnish brothers were raiding the farm I just kept muttering "please don't find them", knowing that, of course, they would - that haunting song [shivers]. Then Roland revealed to be in the Emporer's bed got an "oh damn," outta me. And

It always amazes me how Ragnar-like he seems to be in the interviews I have seen. Very little talking, kind of quiet, but with a few cheeky quips. I have seen some interviews where he was not even wearing shoes or two different shoes…
On a Reddit ama he did he was asked his and also Ragnar's favorite sandwich. His

It evoked a deeper emotion than even crying. I could feel my chest tighten - it felt like literal heartbreak.
I think part of it plays on nostalgia, maybe. Look how far we have come. And also, how happy and youthful and ambitious Ragnar was then. Now he is a changed man.

Yes! Damn that wonderfully sad music!

It was just so sad!!! :'(

As I watched Ragnar have his vision from his past on the beach, I thought to myself "I don't even know why, but this is very upsetting." Through everything, this was the most affecting scene for me. I could feel the weight and emotion of it.
I am glad to know that it wasn't just me being a big baby!

I saw the US cut. During the commercial break following the first thing I thought of was the extended scene and what more could possibly be on that.
I blush just thinking of it!

The impact of the kid getting killed was especially gruesome and harsh after you get lulled in with the bath scene.
Purposeful, I am sure, but danngggg.

It was so weird and sexy and my heart is still racing O_O


Oh my, that bath. How can something so clean be so dirty? I need a drink.

the trailer showed some scenes of her kicking butt with a bunch of other badass ladies, so i am pretty stocked about that!

agreed. when i saw the dripping, the first thing i thought was that story floki (i think it was floki) told about one of the gods being tied up and poison dripped on him (maybe, unless i am making that up). then, when i saw how he was tied up, my mind immediately went to crucifixion.

Also, I confess. I snickered at "what took you so long?" I admit it.

I agree that Wessex and Paris are spreading the show too thin, but dang, that battle at the tower was some exciting stuff! I didn't think Kwenthrith stood a chance, but I was sooooo wrong.
I did not really like Ragnar hitting Aslaug. One: because husbands hitting their wives always makes me feel icky, especially when I

Oh, and also the Pivot! scene from Friends. Just remembering it made me laugh!

I could come up with so many from Avatar, but I figured I should try to control myself!
Pretty much every scene from Ember Island Players is gold.

I love that scene! The Ave Maria background music makes me lose it every time.

I probably first saw this at 14 years old and eight years and multiple viewings later I still never not crack up at
"My first girlfriend turned into the moon."
"That's rough, buddy."
from The Boiling Rock in Season Three of Avatar: The Last Airbender.